


Describes database statement and handles query execution.

In Databases article you may find complete information with examples about working with databases.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IDbStatement: public virtual IReleasable
    struct RetrieveColumnInformation // Set of flags indicating whether column attributes should be retrieved for query result. By default all of them is set to false 
        bool AutoIncrementing;
        bool Name;
        bool BaseTableName;
        bool CaseSensitive;
        bool CatalogName;
        bool ConciseType;
        bool MaximumDisplayLength;
        bool FixedPrecisionScale;
        bool Label;
        bool MaximumLength;
        bool LiteralPrefix;
        bool LiteralSuffix;
        bool LocalTypeName;
        bool Alias;
        bool Nullability;
        bool PrecisionRadix;
        bool Precision;
        bool Scale;
        bool SchemaName;
        bool Searchable;
        bool TableName;
        bool DataTypeName;
        bool Unnamed;
        bool Updatable;
    PlatformHandle const &Handle; // Platform-dependent statement handle 
    IDbConnection* const &Connection; // Parent connection 
    String const &PreparedQuery; // Prepared query this statement works with or empty string 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnAutoIncrementing; // Whether auto-incrementing information should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnName; // Whether name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnBaseTableName; // Whether base table name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnCaseSensitive; // Whether case sensitivity information should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnCatalogName; // Whether catalog name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnConciseType; // Whether concise type should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnMaximumDisplayLength; // Whether maximum display length should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnFixedPrecisionScale; // Whether fixed precision scale should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnLabel; // Whether label should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnMaximumLength; // Whether maximum length should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnLiteralPrefix; // Whether literal prefix should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnLiteralSuffix; // Whether literal suffix should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnLocalTypeName; // Whether local type name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnAlias; // Whether alias should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnNullability; // Whether nullability information should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnPrecisionRadix; // Whether precision radix should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnPrecision; // Whether precision should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnScale; // Whether scale should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnSchemaName; // Whether schema name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnSearchable; // Whether searchability should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnTableName; // Whether table name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnDataTypeName; // Whether data type name should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnUnnamed; // Whether unnamed indicator should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    bool const &RetrieveColumnUpdatable; // Whether updatable indicator should be retrieved for column information query result. False by default 
    IErrorListener* const &ErrorListener; // Error listener 

    // Return options 
    virtual bool isAsyncEnabled(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual DbCursorConcurrency getCursorConcurrency(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual bool isCursorScrollable(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual DbCursorSensitivity getCursorSensitivity(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual DbCursorType getCursorType(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual bool isAutoIPDEnabled(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual bool isStringArgumentsOfCatalogFunctionsTreatedAsIdentifiers(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual bool isScanEscapeSequences(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual int getQueryTimeout(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;
    virtual bool isBookmarksEnabled(bool *succeeded = nullptr) = 0;

    virtual void setErrorListener(IErrorListener *value) = 0; // Assign new error listener. nullptr value if also accepted 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnAutoIncrementing(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether auto-incrementing information should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnBaseTableName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether base table name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnCaseSensitive(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether case sensitivity information should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnCatalogName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether catalog name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnConciseType(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether concise type should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnMaximumDisplayLength(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether maximum display length should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnFixedPrecisionScale(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether fixed precision scale should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnLabel(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether label should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnMaximumLength(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether maximum length should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnLiteralPrefix(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether literal prefix should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnLiteralSuffix(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether literal suffix should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnLocalTypeName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether local type name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnAlias(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether alias should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnNullability(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether nullability information should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnPrecisionRadix(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether precision radix should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnPrecision(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether precision should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnScale(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether scale should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnSchemaName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether schema name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnSearchable(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether searchability should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnTableName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether table name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnDataTypeName(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether data type name should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnUnnamed(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether unnamed indicator should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnUpdatable(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether updatable indicator should be retrieved for column information query result 
    virtual bool setRetrieveColumnAllAttributes(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether all column attributes should be retrieved for query result 

    // Set options 
    virtual bool setAsyncEnabled(const bool value) = 0;
    virtual bool setCursorConcurrency(const DbCursorConcurrency value) = 0;
    virtual bool setCursorScrollable(const bool value) = 0;
    virtual bool setCursorSensitivity(const DbCursorSensitivity value) = 0;
    virtual bool setCursorType(const DbCursorType value) = 0;
    virtual bool setAutoIPDEnabled(const bool value) = 0;
    virtual bool setStringArgumentsOfCatalogFunctionsTreatedAsIdentifiers(const bool value) = 0;
    virtual bool setScanEscapeSequences(const bool value) = 0;
    virtual bool setQueryTimeout(const int value) = 0;
    virtual bool setBookmarksEnabled(const bool value) = 0;

    virtual bool Prepare(const String &query) = 0; // Prepare specified query 
    virtual DbResult Execute() = 0; // Execute prepared query 
    virtual DbResult Execute(const DbRow &row, const bool validate = false) = 0; // Execute prepared query with one row of arguments 
    virtual DbResult Execute(const DbRows &rows, const bool validate = false) = 0; // Execute prepared query with multiple rows 
    virtual DbResult Execute(const String &query) = 0; // Execute query directly 
    virtual DbResult Execute(const String &query, const DbRow &row, const bool validate = false) = 0; // Execute query directly with one row of arguments 
    virtual DbResult Execute(const String &query, const DbRows &rows, const bool validate = false) = 0; // Execute query directly with multiple rows 

    // Query objects. There can be search patterns("_" - single character, "%" - any sequence of zero or more characters) in "catalog", "table", "procedure", "schema" and "column" arguments 
    virtual DbResult QueryAllCatalogs() = 0; // Query all catalogs/databases 
    virtual DbResult QueryAllTableTypes() = 0; // Query all supported table types 
    virtual DbResult QueryAllSchemes() = 0; // Query all data source schemes 
    virtual DbResult QueryTables(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema, const StringArray &types) = 0; // Query catalog/database table list of specified types with filtering 
    virtual DbResult QueryTablePrivileges(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema) = 0; // Query table privileges 
    virtual DbResult QueryColumns(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema, const String &column) = 0; // Query columns 
    virtual DbResult QueryColumnPrivileges(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema, const String &column) = 0; // Query column privileges 
    virtual DbResult QuerySpecialColumns(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema, const bool autoupdated, const DbSpecialColumnScope scope, const bool nullable) = 0; // Query special columns 
    virtual DbResult QueryProcedureColumns(const String &catalog, const String &procedure, const String &schema, const String &column) = 0; // Query procedure columns 
    virtual DbResult QueryForeignKeys(const String &pk_catalog, const String &pk_table, const String &pk_schema, const String &fk_catalog, const String &fk_table, const String &fk_schema) = 0; // Query foreign key list 
    virtual DbResult QueryPrimaryKeys(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema) = 0; // Query primary key list 
    virtual DbResult QueryProcedures(const String &catalog, const String &procedure, const String &schema) = 0; // Query procedure list 
    virtual DbResult QueryStatistic(const String &catalog, const String &table, const String &schema, const bool unique_indexes_only, const bool quick_return) = 0; // Query table statistic 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IDbStatement.h