


Describes form service.

You can find more information in comments below.

class IFormService
    virtual IWindow *getWindow() = 0; // Return form window. Do not change events and avoid of using this window methods at all. They are for internal usage by form 

    virtual void setWindow(IWindow *value) = 0; // Set form window. For purposes when derived form wants handle window and/or renderer itself 
    virtual void setRenderer(IRenderer *value) = 0; // Set renderer. Could be set only once 

    virtual void Release() = 0; // Destroy instance 
    virtual void UpdateTabOrders(const int old_tab_order, const int new_tab_order) = 0; // Update tab orders of controls when changing any control tab order from old_tab_order to new_tab_order 
    virtual String GenerateComponentName(IComponent *component) = 0; // Generate unique name for the component 
    virtual String GenerateControlName(IControl *control) = 0; // Generate unique name for the control 
    virtual bool MoveControl(IControl *control, const int before) = 0; // Change control position in list. Index should be in range 0..ControlCount, control should be child and it's index should not be equal to index 
    virtual bool RegisterHotkey(IComponent *component, const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool is_down) = 0; // Register component's hotkey combination 
    virtual bool UnregisterHotkey(IComponent *component, const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool is_down) = 0; // Unregister component's hotkey combination 
    virtual bool UnregisterHotkeys(IComponent *component) = 0; // Unregister specified component all registered hotkey combinations 
    virtual bool RegisterHotkey(IControl *control, const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool is_down) = 0; // Register control's hotkey combination 
    virtual bool UnregisterHotkey(IControl *control, const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool is_down) = 0; // Unregister control's hotkey combination 
    virtual bool UnregisterHotkeys(IControl *control) = 0; // Unregister specified control all registered hotkey combinations 
    virtual void AlignControls() = 0; // Recalculate controls positions and size. For those controls which have alignment different from Align::None 
    virtual int GenerateTabOrder(IControl *control) = 0; // Return first available tab order if specified in control is not available 
    virtual bool RegisterMessageListener(IComponent *component, IWindowListenerOnMessage *listener) = 0; // Register custom message listener for specified component 
    virtual bool UnregisterMessageListener(IComponent *component, IWindowListenerOnMessage *listener) = 0; // Unregister custom message listener 
    virtual bool UnregisterMessageListeners(IComponent *component) = 0; // Unregister all custom message listeners for specified component 
    virtual void ProcessControlDisable(IControl *control) = 0; // Cleanup form state related to disabling a control belonging to form. Should be called by control when it is on a form and becomes disabled 
    virtual void ProcessControlHide(IControl *control) = 0; // Cleanup form state related to hiding a control belonging to form. Should be called by control when it is on a form and becomes invisible 
    virtual void ProcessControlDetach(IControl *control) = 0; // Cleanup form state related to detaching a control belonging to form. Should be called by control when it was on a form and becomes detached from it 

    // Notifications from child controls 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildStyleChange(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control style has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildFontChange(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control font has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildTransform(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been transformed 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildResize(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been resized 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildShow(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been shown 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildHide(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been hidden 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildEnable(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been enabled 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildDisable(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control has been disabled 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeTransform(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before applying transformation to control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeResize(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before resizing control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeShow(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before showing control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeHide(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before hiding control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeEnable(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before enabling control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 
    virtual void NotifyOnChildBeforeDisable(IControl *control, bool &allowed) = 0; // Called before disabling control. Set allowed to false to forbid the change 

    // State change notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnResize() = 0; // Called when form size was changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnTransform() = 0; // Called when transformation was changed due to transformation 
    virtual void NotifyOnTransformControls() = 0; // Called when child controls transformation was changed due to change of child controls transformation or set new one 
    virtual void NotifyOnStyleChange() = 0; // Called when style was changed due to set new style 
    virtual void NotifyOnFontChange() = 0; // Called when font was changed due to change properties 
    virtual void NotifyOnFreeResources() = 0; // Free resources(timers, textures, platform fonts) 

    // Component notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnComponentAttach(IComponent *component) = 0; // Called when some component was attached to form 
    virtual void NotifyOnComponentDetach(IComponent *component) = 0; // Called when some component was detached from form 

    // Control notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlAttach(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when some control was attached to form even if it was attached as a child of another control 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlDetach(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when some control was detached from form even if it was a child of another control 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetModal(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control becomes modal 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillModal(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when controls lose modal state 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetFocus(IControl *control, const MessageFocus &m) = 0; // Called when control becomes focused 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillFocus(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when focused control lose focus 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlMouseHover(IControl *control, const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called when mouse pointer appears over control 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlMouseLeave(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when mouse pointer leaves control area 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetCaptureKeyboard(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control gets keyboard capture 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillCaptureKeyboard(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control loses keyboard capture 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetCaptureMouse(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control gets mouse capture 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillCaptureMouse(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control loses mouse capture 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlActivate(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control becomes active 
    virtual void NotifyOnControlDeactivate(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when control has lost active state 

    // Paint notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnPaint(const MessagePaint &m, bool &draw_children) = 0; // Called when form should be drawn. By default render background 
    virtual void NotifyOnPaintEnd(const MessagePaint &m) = 0; // Called after drawing the form and all its child controls 

    // Keyboard input notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnKeyDown(const MessageKey &m) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and key is down 
    virtual void NotifyOnKeyUp(const MessageKey &m) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and key is up 
    virtual void NotifyOnChar(const MessageChar &m) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and char translated 
    virtual void NotifyOnDeadChar(const MessageChar &m) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and dead char translated 

    // Mouse input notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseHover(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when mouse pointer appears over the form 
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseLeave() = 0; // Called when mouse pointer leaves the form 
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseMove(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse moves 
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonDown(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button down 
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonUp(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button up 
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button double clicked 
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonDown(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse button down 
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonUp(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse button up 
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse mutton double clicked 
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonDown(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button down 
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonUp(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button up 
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MessageMouse &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button double clicked 
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseVerticalWheel(const MessageMouseWheel &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse vertical scroll appear 
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseHorizontalWheel(const MessageMouseWheel &m) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse horizontal scroll appear 

    // Other input notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnDropFiles(const MessageDropFiles &m, bool &accepted) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and drop files appear 
    virtual void NotifyOnHotkey(const MessageHotkey &m) = 0; // Called when registered hotkey pressed/released 
    virtual void NotifyOnGestureZoom(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called on gesture zoom 
    virtual void NotifyOnGesturePan(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called on gesture pan 
    virtual void NotifyOnGestureRotate(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called on gesture rotate 
    virtual void NotifyOnGestureTwoFingerTap(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called on gesture two finger tap 
    virtual void NotifyOnGesturePressAndTap(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called on gesture press and tap 
    virtual void NotifyOnGestureNotify() = 0; // Called on gesture notify 
    virtual void NotifyOnTouch(const MessageTouch &m) = 0; // Called on touch 

    // Application notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnApplicationActivate() = 0; // Called when application becomes active 
    virtual void NotifyOnApplicationDeactivate() = 0; // Called when application becomes inactive 
    virtual void NotifyOnQueryEndSession(bool &restricted) = 0; // Called when system tries to end user session. Could be aborted by setting restricted to true 
    virtual void NotifyOnQueryOpen(bool &restricted) = 0; // Called when system tries to open the form from query. Could be aborted by setting restricted to true 
    virtual void NotifyOnEndSession(const MessageEndSession &m) = 0; // Called when system ends user session 
    virtual void NotifyOnDeviceModeChange() = 0; // Called when device mode has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnTimeChange() = 0; // Called when system time has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnInputLanguageChangeRequest(bool &restricted) = 0; // Called when user tries to change input language. Could be aborted by setting restricted to true 
    virtual void NotifyOnInputLanguageChange() = 0; // Called when input language has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnDisplayChange(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when display mode has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnThemeChange() = 0; // Called when system theme has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnClipboardUpdate() = 0; // Called when clipboard data has been changed 
    virtual void NotifyOnTranslateChange() = 0; // Called when application gets information about changes in translation matrix(either by current language change in ITranslate or via custom call of IApplicationService::SendTranslateChange method) 

    // Window notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnCreate() = 0; // Called after form create 
    virtual void NotifyOnDestroy() = 0; // Called before form destroy 
    virtual void NotifyOnActivate(const MessageWindowActivate &m) = 0; // Called when form has been activated 
    virtual void NotifyOnDeactivate() = 0; // Called when form has been deactivated 
    virtual void NotifyOnSetFocus() = 0; // Called when form has received keyboard focus 
    virtual void NotifyOnKillFocus() = 0; // Called when form has lost keyboard focus 
    virtual void NotifyOnEnable() = 0; // Called when form becomes enabled 
    virtual void NotifyOnDisable() = 0; // Called when form becomes disabled 
    virtual void NotifyOnClose(CloseAction &action) = 0; // Called when form is about to be closed. Action could be changed to change default behaviour(which is close and destroy the form usually) 
    virtual void NotifyOnShow() = 0; // Called when form has been shown 
    virtual void NotifyOnHide() = 0; // Called when form has been hidden 
    virtual void NotifyOnMove(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called when form has been moved 
    virtual void NotifyOnRestore(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when form has been restored 
    virtual void NotifyOnMinimize(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when form has been minimized 
    virtual void NotifyOnMaximize(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when form has been maximized 
    virtual void NotifyOnResizing(const MessageWindowResizing &m) = 0; // Called when form has been resized 
    virtual void NotifyOnMoving(const MessageRect &m) = 0; // Called when form has been moved 
    virtual void NotifyOnEnterSizeMove() = 0; // Called when form has entered resizing and moving state 
    virtual void NotifyOnExitSizeMove() = 0; // Called when form has existed resizing and moving state 
    virtual void NotifyOnHScroll(const MessageWindowScroll &m) = 0; // Called when horizontal scroll has happened 
    virtual void NotifyOnVScroll(const MessageWindowScroll &m) = 0; // Called when vertical scroll has happened 
    virtual void NotifyOnLoseCapture() = 0; // Called when form has lose capture mouse input 

    // Dialog box notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnDialogBoxActivate(IDialogBox *control) = 0; // Called when dialog box becomes active 
    virtual void NotifyOnDialogBoxDeactivate(IDialogBox *control) = 0; // Called when dialog box loses active state 

    // Clipboard notifications 
    virtual void NotifyOnPasteString(const MessagePasteString &m) = 0; // Called when a string is available after paste request 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IFormService.h