


Describes component service.

You can find more information in comments below.

class IComponentService
    virtual void setName(const String &value) = 0; // Should only set component name and do nothing more
    virtual void setForm(IForm *value) = 0; // Should only set form and do nothing more

    virtual void Release() = 0; // Destroy service
    virtual void SendChangeNotification() = 0; // Send notification to form, other components and controls about this component change

    // State change notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnAttach() = 0; // Called after component was attached to form
    virtual void NotifyOnDetaching() = 0; // Called before detaching from parent. Called for all child controls
    virtual void NotifyOnDetach() = 0; // Called after component was detached from form
    virtual void NotifyOnFreeResources() = 0; // Should free any resources related to form(timers, textures, platform fonts,...)

    // Component notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnComponentAttach(IComponent *component) = 0; // Called when some component was attached to form
    virtual void NotifyOnComponentDetach(IComponent *component) = 0; // Called when some component was detached from form
    virtual void NotifyOnComponentChange(IComponent *component) = 0; // Called when some component was changed

    // Control notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnControlAttach(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when some control was attached to form
    virtual void NotifyOnControlDetach(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when some control was detached from form
    virtual void NotifyOnControlChange(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when some component was changed
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetFocus(IControl *control, const MessageFocus &m) = 0; // Called when another control has received keyboard focus
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillFocus(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has lost keyboard focus
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetCaptureKeyboard(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has captured keyboard input
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillCaptureKeyboard(IControl *control) = 0;// Called when another control has lost capture of keyboard input
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetCaptureMouse(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has captured mouse input
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillCaptureMouse(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has lost capture of mouse input
    virtual void NotifyOnControlSetModal(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has became modal
    virtual void NotifyOnControlKillModal(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when another control has lost modal state

    // Other input notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnHotkey(const MessageHotkey &m) = 0; // Called when registered hotkey pressed/released

    // Application notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnApplicationActivate() = 0; // Called when application has became active
    virtual void NotifyOnApplicationDeactivate() = 0; // Called when application has became inactive
    virtual void NotifyOnTimeChange() = 0; // Called when system time has been changed
    virtual void NotifyOnInputLanguageChange() = 0; // Called when input language has been changed
    virtual void NotifyOnDisplayChange(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when display settings has been changed
    virtual void NotifyOnThemeChange() = 0; // Called when theme has been changed
    virtual void NotifyOnClipboardUpdate() = 0; // Called when clipboard data has been changed
    virtual void NotifyOnTranslateChange() = 0; // Called when application gets information about changes in translation matrix(either by current language change in ITranslate or via custom call of IApplicationService::SendTranslateChange method)

    // Form/window notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnFormActivate(const MessageWindowActivate &m) = 0; // Called when form has became active
    virtual void NotifyOnFormDeactivate() = 0; // Called when form has became inactive
    virtual void NotifyOnFormSetFocus() = 0; // Called when form has received keyboard input
    virtual void NotifyOnFormKillFocus() = 0; // Called when form has lost keyboard input
    virtual void NotifyOnFormEnable() = 0; // Called when form has became enabled
    virtual void NotifyOnFormDisable() = 0; // Called when form has became disabled
    virtual void NotifyOnFormShow() = 0; // Called when form has became visible
    virtual void NotifyOnFormHide() = 0; // Called when form has became invisible
    virtual void NotifyOnFormMove(const MessagePosition &m) = 0; // Called when form is being moved
    virtual void NotifyOnFormRestore(const MessageSize &m) = 0;  // Called when form has been restored
    virtual void NotifyOnFormMinimize(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when form has been minimized
    virtual void NotifyOnFormMaximize(const MessageSize &m) = 0; // Called when form has been maximizing
    virtual void NotifyOnFormEnterSizeMove() = 0; // Called when form has entered in resizing and moving state
    virtual void NotifyOnFormExitSizeMove() = 0; // Called when form has exited resizing and moving state

    // Dialog box notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnDialogBoxActivate(IDialogBox *control) = 0; // Called when specified dialog box becomes active
    virtual void NotifyOnDialogBoxDeactivate(IDialogBox *control) = 0; // Called when specified dialog box loses active state
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IComponentService.h