New in version 11.0.0

You can find information about existing projects upgrading in the article Upgrade project.

  • Form Builder

    • Fix: Name property of a widget was exported twice in form prototype class.
  • New widgets

  • New features

    • Support of multi-sample textures in renderers and framebuffers.
    • Support of multi-window drawing in renderers.
    • IFeedbackEx and its implementations allow to cancel change from now on.
    • Controls and forms can prevent their child controls transformation and size change as well as showing, hiding, enabling and disabling via new NotifyOnChildBefore* service notifications and OnChildBefore* events.
    • Event bubbling.
  • Added

  • Fixed

    • Added implementation to ITexture::setSwizzleRGBA() methods on Android platform.
    • On deleting texture it was automatically detached from current framebuffer of a renderer instead of default one.
    • Built-in scroll was ignoring mouse scroll notifications if mouse position was outside its area.
    • Scroll using mouse wheel was possible even when is should'nt have been in the ScrollBox widget.
    • Creating item in Hierarchy Editor didn't work for ListBox widget.
    • Fail to build Linux applications with x86 target platform created with Nitisa Extension for Visual Studio due to incorrect project file.
  • Improved

    • Functions CreateProgram(), CreateFramebuffer(), CreateVertexArray() and CreateTexture() now also pass renderer as an argument to Create() method of object being creating.
    • Lower version renderers (3.1) can change depth stencil and swizzle modes of textures if context version allows it.
    • Form now takes into account widget importance when drawing widgets and handling widget events. The importance order is: modal widget, active dialog box, rest ones.
    • Timers don't use callback functions anymore. Instead they use ITimerListener interface instance. Also timer identifier is not int anymore but it is PlatformHandle now. Methods of IWindow and IForm related to timers (CreateTimer(), DeleteTimer() and ResetTimer()) have been changed slightly but the meaning and functionality remained the same. All implementations of those interfaces have also been changed accordingly.
    • Feedbacks IFeedback and IFeedbackEx don't use callback functions anymore. Instead they use IFeedbackListener and IFeedbackExListener interface instances. Corresponding implementations in CFeedback and CFeedbackEx classes have been changed accordingly.
  • Removed

    • Deprecated drawing methods from IRenderer interface and all renderers.
    • ClearColor property and Clear() method without arguments from IRenderer interface and all renderers.
    • IFeedbackService and IFeedbackExService interfaces and CFeedbackService and CFeedbackExService classes as feedbacks don't have services anymore.
    • On*() events from IFont interface and its implementations. These events weren't been used anywhere.
    • OnCreate() event from IForm interface and its implementations. This event was never used.