New in version 12.0.0
You can find information about existing projects upgrading in the article Upgrade project.
New features
- 2545 unit tests.
IDb* Db
property to IApplication. The property has database manager interface which can be used to work with databases.
- IDb interface describing database manager.
- IDbConnection interface describing database connection.
- IDbStatement interface describing database statement.
- StringKeyValue, AnsiStringKeyValue and UTF8StringKeyValue types to represent different string type pairs (key plus value).
- StringKeyValueArray, AnsiStringKeyValueArray and UTF8StringKeyValueArray types to represent arrays of different string type pairs (key plus value).
- EmptyString, EmptyAnsiString, EmptyUTF8String, EmptyStringArray, EmptyAnsiStringArray, EmptyUTF8StringArray, EmptyStringKeyValue, EmptyAnsiStringKeyValue, EmptyUTF8StringKeyValue, EmptyStringKeyValueArray, EmptyAnsiStringKeyValueArray and EmptyUTF8StringKeyValue constants representing empty strings, empty string arrays, empty key-value pairs and empty key-value pair arrays.
- CErrorListenerCout class which can be used as error listener printing errors to terminal.
- Replace(), ReplaceDirect(), ReplaceAll() and ReplaceAllDirect() functions have got overloaded versions to work with StringKeyValue, AnsiStringKeyValue, StringKeyValueArray and AnsiStringKeyValueArray arguments.
- ByteArray type representing array of bytes and Merge function to combine multiple byte arrays into one.
- Pointer type representing pointer.
- DbAsyncMode, DbCaseSensitivity, DbConcatenateNullBehaviour, DbCursorBehaviour, DbCursorConcurrency, DbCursorSensitivity, DbCursorType, DbDataType, DbFileUsage, DbGroupByRelation, DbNullabilityType, DbNullCollation, DbOdbcInterfaceConformance, DbOdbcVersion, DbSearchableType, DbSpecialColumnScope, DbStatus, DbTableCorrelationName, DbTransactionSupport, DbUpdatableType and DbValueType enumerations used for working with databases.
- DbBatchRowCountSupport, DbBatchSupport, DbBookmarkPersistence, DbCatalogUsage, DbColumn, DbConvertTo, DbCursorAttributes, DbDate, DbDateTime, DbResult, DbSqlConformance, DbStandardCliConformance, DbSupportedAggregateFunctions, DbSupportedAlterDomainClauses, DbSupportedAlterTableClauses, DbSupportedAvailabilityOfResultSetsInParameterizedExecution, DbSupportedConvertFunctions, DbSupportedCreateAssertionClauses, DbSupportedCreateCharacterSetClauses, DbSupportedCreateDomainClauses, DbSupportedCreateIndexKeywords, DbSupportedCreateSchemaClauses, DbSupportedCreateTableClauses, DbSupportedCreateViewClauses, DbSupportedDateTimeFunctions, DbSupportedDateTimeIntervals, DbSupportedDateTimeLiterals, DbSupportedDropClauses, DbSupportedForeignKeyRules, DbSupportedGetDataExtensions, DbSupportedGrantClauses, DbSupportedIndexClauses, DbSupportedInformationSchemaViews, DbSupportedInsertStatements, DbSupportedNumericFunctions, DbSupportedNumericValueFunctions, DbSupportedOuterJoins, DbSupportedPositionOperations, DbSupportedPredicates, DbSupportedRelationJoinOperators, DbSupportedRevokeClauses, DbSupportedRowValueConstructors, DbSupportedScalarStringFunctions, DbSupportedSchemaUsages, DbSupportedScrollOptions, DbSupportedStringFunctions, DbSupportedSubQueryPredicates, DbSupportedSystemFunctions, DbSupportedTimeDateFunctions, DbSupportedTransactionIsolationLevels, DbSupportedUnionClauses, DbSupportedValueExpressions, and DbTime structures used for working with databases.
- DbColumns, DbRow and DbRows types used for working with databases.
- DbValue class managing database values of different data types.
- Several overloaded ToString() functions to convert database enumerations into string representation.
- Added missing forward declaration to BitBtn widget header file.
- Added missing header file include to PopupMenu widget header file.
- Added missing header file include to MultiButton widget header file.
- Added missing header file include to ReplaceDialog widget header file.
- Data property export of ForexChart widget.
- Added missing header file include to RadarChart widget header file.
- Added missing header file include to FormView widget header file.
- Added missing header file include to CustomMaterial widget header file.
- Backward compatibility code converting strings to enumerations.