


Describes database supported numeric functions. Each member of the structure is a boolean value indicating whether the feature is supported or not.

You can find more information in comments below.

struct DbSupportedNumericFunctions
    bool Valid; // Indicates whether this structure contains valid data (it was successfully retrieved from data source) 
    bool Abs;
    bool Acos;
    bool Asin;
    bool Atan;
    bool Atan2;
    bool Ceiling;
    bool Cos;
    bool Cot;
    bool Degrees;
    bool Exp;
    bool Floor;
    bool Log;
    bool Log10;
    bool Mod;
    bool Pi;
    bool Power;
    bool Radians;
    bool Rand;
    bool Round;
    bool Sign;
    bool Sin;
    bool Sqrt;
    bool Tan;
    bool Truncate;

    explicit operator String() const;
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Db/DbSupportedNumericFunctions.h