
Implements UpDown control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CUpDown :public virtual IUpDown, public CControl
    enum class State // Control and arrows states 
        Normal, // Normal 
        Hovered, // Hovered 
        Active, // Mouse button was down over arrow and not released yet 
        Disabled // Control is disabled 
    // IControl methods 
    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    int getMin() override;
    int getMax() override;
    int getValue() override;
    int getStep() override;
    IEdit *getAssignedTo() override;

    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;
    bool setAlign(const Align value) override;
    bool setMin(const int value) override;
    bool setMax(const int value) override;
    bool setValue(const int value) override;
    bool setStep(const int value) override;
    bool setAssignedTo(IEdit *value) override;

    bool Up() override;
    bool Down() override;

    CUpDown(); // Constructor 
    CUpDown(IForm *parent); // Create and place on form 
    CUpDown(IControl *parent); // Create and place on another control 

    State getState(); // Return current state 
    float getTimerInterval(); // Return value change interval when holding mouse button down over up or down arrow 
    float getDistance(const State state); // Return distance between up and down arrows 
    // Up arrow style getters 
    RectF getUpArrowOuterBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getUpArrowOuterBorderColor(const State state);
    RectF getUpArrowMiddleBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getUpArrowMiddleBorderColor(const State state);
    RectF getUpArrowInnerBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getUpArrowInnerBorderColor(const State state);
    Color getUpArrowBackgroundColor(const State state);
    Gradient *getUpArrowBackgroundGradient(const State state);
    RectF getUpArrowPadding(const State state);
    Color getUpArrowArrowColor(const State state);
    // Down arrow style getters 
    RectF getDownArrowOuterBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getDownArrowOuterBorderColor(const State state);
    RectF getDownArrowMiddleBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getDownArrowMiddleBorderColor(const State state);
    RectF getDownArrowInnerBorderWidth(const State state);
    BorderColor getDownArrowInnerBorderColor(const State state);
    Color getDownArrowBackgroundColor(const State state);
    Gradient *getDownArrowBackgroundGradient(const State state);
    RectF getDownArrowPadding(const State state);
    Color getDownArrowArrowColor(const State state);
    // Change by drag getters 
    bool isChangeByDrag() const;
    float getDragShift() const;
    float getDragScale() const;
    float getDragBase() const;
    float getDragBaseShift() const;
    float getDragBaseScale() const;

    bool setTimerInterval(const float value); // Set value change interval when holding mouse button down over up or down arrow 
    bool setDistance(const State state, const float value); // Set distance between up and down arrows 
    // Up arrow style setters 
    bool setUpArrowOuterBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setUpArrowOuterBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setUpArrowMiddleBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setUpArrowMiddleBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setUpArrowInnerBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setUpArrowInnerBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setUpArrowBackgroundColor(const State state, const Color &value);
    bool setUpArrowPadding(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setUpArrowArrowColor(const State state, const Color &value);
    // Down arrow style setters 
    bool setDownArrowOuterBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setDownArrowOuterBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setDownArrowMiddleBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setDownArrowMiddleBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setDownArrowInnerBorderWidth(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setDownArrowInnerBorderColor(const State state, const BorderColor &value);
    bool setDownArrowBackgroundColor(const State state, const Color &value);
    bool setDownArrowPadding(const State state, const RectF &value);
    bool setDownArrowArrowColor(const State state, const Color &value);
    // Change by drag setters 
    bool setChangeByDrag(const bool value);
    bool setDragShift(const float value, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>);
    bool setDragScale(const float value, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>);
    bool setDragBase(const float value, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>);
    bool setDragBaseShift(const float value, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>);
    bool setDragBaseScale(const float value, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>);
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/UpDown/UpDown.h