
Describes minimum required functionality from PaintBox control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

// Draw onto associated texture. All drawing methods works only if control is placed onto a form(directly or via parent controls) with valid renderer and if called inside renderer's DrawBegin() and DrawEnd() block. 
class IPaintBox :public virtual IControl
    void(*OnDraw)(IPaintBox *sender); // Event called when drawing is required 

    virtual ITexture::IData *Lock(const bool readonly) = 0; // Return texture data if succeeded, nullptr otherwise. Use ITexture::IData::Release() to release locking and apply changes if lock was not read only 
    virtual bool DrawBegin() = 0; // Start drawing. If you are going to call drawing methods several times to draw you picture, it is better to do it betwen calling of DrawBegin() and DrawEnd() methods. It will work faster 
    virtual bool DrawEnd() = 0; // Finish drawing 

    virtual void Clear( // Clear entire control area with specified color 
        const Color &color) = 0; // Color 

    virtual void Line( // Draw line 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &color) = 0; // Color 
    virtual void Line( // Draw line with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Line( // Draw line with gradiental filling 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &c1, // Start point color 
        const Color &c2) = 0; // End point color 
    virtual void Line( // Draw line with gradiental filling and transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &c1, // Start point color 
        const Color &c2, // End point color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Line( // Draw masked line 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from start point. Uses distance from p1 to calculate current bit 
    virtual void Line( // Draw masked line with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from start point. Uses distance from p1 to calculate current bit 
    virtual void Line( // Draw masked line with gradiental filling 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &c1, // Start point color 
        const Color &c2, // End point color 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from start point. Uses distance from p1 to calculate current bit 
    virtual void Line( // Draw masked line with gradiental filling and transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // Start point 
        const PointF &p2, // End point 
        const Color &c1, // Start point color 
        const Color &c2, // End point color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from start point. Uses distance from p1 to calculate current bit 

    virtual void Lines( // Draw lines 
        const std::vector<PointF> &points, // Line points 
        const Color &color, // Color of all lines 
        const bool loop) = 0; // Whether to draw line from last to first one(close the shape) 
    virtual void Lines( // Draw lines with transformation 
        const std::vector<PointF> &points, // Line points 
        const Color &color, // Color of all lines 
        const bool loop, // Whether to draw line from last to first one(close the shape) 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Lines( // Draw masked lines 
        const std::vector<PointF> &points, // Line points 
        const Color &color, // Color of all lines 
        const bool loop, // Whether to draw line from last to first one(close the shape) 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from first point. Uses distance from first point to calculate current bit 
    virtual void Lines( // Draw masked lines with transformation 
        const std::vector<PointF> &points, // Line points 
        const Color &color, // Color of all lines 
        const bool loop, // Whether to draw line from last to first one(close the shape) 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw. Calculated starting from first point. Uses distance from first point to calculate current bit 

    virtual void Triangle( // Draw solid triangle 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &color) = 0; // Triangle color 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw solid triangle with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &color, // Triangle color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw gradientally filled triangle 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &c1, // 1st vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // 2nd vertex color 
        const Color &c3) = 0; // 3rd vertex color 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw gradientally filled triangle with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &c1, // 1st vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // 2nd vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // 3rd vertex color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw masked solid triangle 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &color, // Triangle color 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw masked solid triangle with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &color, // Triangle color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw masked gradientally filled triangle 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &c1, // 1st vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // 2nd vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // 3rd vertex color 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Triangle( // Draw masked gradientally filled triangle with transformation 
        const PointF &p1, // 1st vertex 
        const PointF &p2, // 2nd vertex 
        const PointF &p3, // 3rd vertex 
        const Color &c1, // 1st vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // 2nd vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // 3rd vertex color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw solid rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &color) = 0; // Rectangle color 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw solid rectangle with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &color, // Rectangle color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw gradientally filled rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &c1, // Left-top vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // Right-top vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // Right-bottom vertex color 
        const Color &c4) = 0; // Left-bottom vertex color 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw gradientally filled rectangle with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &c1, // Left-top vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // Right-top vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // Right-bottom vertex color 
        const Color &c4, // Left-bottom vertex color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw masked solid rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &color, // Rectangle color 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw masked solid rectangle with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &color, // Rectangle color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw masked gradientally filled rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &c1, // Left-top vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // Right-top vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // Right-bottom vertex color 
        const Color &c4, // Left-bottom vertex color 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Rectangle( // Draw masked gradientally filled rectangle with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        const Color &c1, // Left-top vertex color 
        const Color &c2, // Right-top vertex color 
        const Color &c3, // Right-bottom vertex color 
        const Color &c4, // Left-bottom vertex color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Gradient( // Draw gradient 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        nitisa::Gradient &g) = 0; // Gradient 
    virtual void Gradient( // Draw gradient with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        nitisa::Gradient &g, // Gradient 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Gradient( // Draw masked gradient 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        nitisa::Gradient &g, // Gradient 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Gradient( // Draw masked gradient with transformation 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle 
        nitisa::Gradient &g, // Gradient 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Image( // Draw image at specified position 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const PointF &p, // Position where to draw 
        const float transparency) = 0; // Transparency(0..1) 
    virtual void Image( // Draw image with transformation 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const float transparency) = 0; // Transparency(0..1) 
    virtual void Image( // Draw image part at specified position 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const RectF &part, // Part to be drawn 
        const PointF &p, // Position where to draw 
        const float transparency) = 0; // Transparency(0..1) 
    virtual void Image( // Draw image part with transformation 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const RectF &part, // Part to be drawn 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const float transparency) = 0; // Transparency(0..1) 
    virtual void Image( // Draw masked image at specified position 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const PointF &p, // Position where to draw 
        const float transparency, // Transparency(0..1) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Image( // Draw masked image with transformation 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const float transparency, // Transparency(0..1) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Image( // Draw masked image part at specified position 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const RectF &part, // Part to be drawn 
        const PointF &p, // Position where to draw 
        const float transparency, // Transparency(0..1) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Image( // Draw masked image part with transformation 
        ITexture *image, // Image 
        const RectF &part, // Part to be drawn 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const float transparency, // Transparency(0..1) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Block( // Draw block 
        const RectF &block, // Block rectangle 
        const RectF &border, // Border widthes 
        const RectF &radius, // Corner radiuses 
        const BlockColors &colors) = 0; // Part colors(left border, top border, right border, bottom border, internal area, external area) 
    virtual void Block( // Draw block part visible through specified rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle to be drawn 
        const RectF &block, // Block rectangle 
        const RectF &border, // Border widthes 
        const RectF &radius, // Corner radiuses 
        const BlockColors &colors) = 0; // Part colors(left border, top border, right border, bottom border, internal area, external area) 
    virtual void Block( // Draw masked block 
        const RectF &block, // Block rectangle 
        const RectF &border, // Border widthes 
        const RectF &radius, // Corner radiuses 
        const BlockColors &colors, // Part colors(left border, top border, right border, bottom border, internal area, external area) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Block( // Draw masked block part visible through specified rectangle 
        const RectF &rect, // Rectangle to be drawn 
        const RectF &block, // Block rectangle 
        const RectF &border, // Border widthes 
        const RectF &radius, // Corner radiuses 
        const BlockColors &colors, // Part colors(left border, top border, right border, bottom border, internal area, external area) 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Text( // Draw text at specified position 
        const String &text, // Text 
        IPlatformFont *font, // Font. If empty, control font will be used 
        const float distance, // Additional distance between characters 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const PointF &p) = 0; // Position 
    virtual void Text( // Draw text with transformation 
        const String &text, // Text 
        IPlatformFont *font, // Font. If empty, control font will be used 
        const float distance, // Additional distance between characters 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Text( // Draw masked text at specified position 
        const String &text, // Text 
        IPlatformFont *font, // Font. If empty, control font will be used 
        const float distance, // Additional distance between characters 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const PointF &p, // Position 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Text( // Draw masked text with transformation 
        const String &text, // Text 
        IPlatformFont *font, // Font. If empty, control font will be used 
        const float distance, // Additional distance between characters 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Blur( // Add blur to image 
        const int radius, // Blur radius(>= 1) 
        const BlurType type) = 0; // Blur type 
    virtual void Blur( // Add masked blur to image 
        const int radius, // Blur radius(>= 1) 
        const BlurType type, // Blur type 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 

    virtual void Dot( // Draw dot 
        const PointF &p, // Position 
        const Color &color) = 0; // Color 
    virtual void Dot( // Draw dot with transformation 
        const PointF &p, // Position 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 

    virtual void Circle( // Draw circle 
        const PointF &p, // Circle center 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const float radius) = 0; // Radius 
    virtual void Circle( // Draw circle with transformation 
        const PointF &p, // Circle center 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const float radius, // Radius 
        const Mat4f &m) = 0; // Transformation matrix 
    virtual void Circle( // Draw masked circle 
        const PointF &p, // Circle center 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const float radius, // Radius 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
    virtual void Circle( // Draw masked circle with transformation 
        const PointF &p, // Circle center 
        const Color &color, // Color 
        const float radius, // Radius 
        const Mat4f &m, // Transformation matrix 
        const unsigned int bitmask_x, // 32-bit binary mask for X direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
        const unsigned int bitmask_y) = 0; // 32-bit binary mask for Y direction where 1 - draw, 0 - not draw 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/IPaintBox.h