
Implements PolarAreaChart control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CPolarAreaChart :public virtual IPolarAreaChart, public CControl
    // IControl setters 
    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    // IControl methods 
    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    // IRadialChart getters 
    IChartDataSet *getDataSet() override;

    // IRadialChart setters 
    bool setDataSet(IChartDataSet *value, const bool release_old) override;

    // IRadialChart methods 
    void Update() override;

    // IPolarAreaChart getters 
    bool isAutoRange() override;
    float getRange() override;

    // IPolarAreaChart setters 
    bool setAutoRange(const bool value) override;
    bool setRange(const float value) override;

    CPolarAreaChart(IForm *parent);
    CPolarAreaChart(IControl *parent);
    ~CPolarAreaChart() override;

    Color getBackgroundColor() const; // Return background color 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(); // Return background gradient 
    bool isDrawGrid() const; // Return whether a grid should be drawn 
    bool isAutoGridStep() const; // Return whether grid step should be calculated automatically 
    float getGridStep() const; // Return grid step 
    float getDefaultGridStep() const; // Return default grid step(when scale is 1) 
    Color getGridColor() const; // Return grid color 
    bool isDrawLabels() const; // Return whether labels should be drawn 
    Color getLabelsColor() const; // Return labels color 
    float getBorderWidth() const; // Return border width 
    float getQuality() const; // Return quality(0..1) 
    int getLabelSigns() const; // Return count of signs after point in labels(0..9) 
    const ColorArray &getNormalColors() const; // Return normal colors 
    const ColorArray &getActiveColors() const; // Return active colors 
    const ColorArray &getNormalBorderColors() const; // Return normal border colors 
    const ColorArray &getActiveBorderColors() const; // Return active border colors 

    bool setBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set background color 
    bool setDrawGrid(const bool value); // Set whether a grid should be drawn 
    bool setAutoGridStep(const bool value); // Set whether grid step should be calculated automatically 
    bool setGridStep(const float value); // Set grid step 
    bool setDefaultGridStep(const float value); // Set default grid step(when scale is 1) 
    bool setGridColor(const Color &value); // Set grid color 
    bool setDrawLabels(const bool value); // Set whether labels should be drawn 
    bool setLabelsColor(const Color &value); // Set labels color 
    bool setBorderWidth(const float value); // Set border width 
    bool setQuality(const float value); // Set quality(0..1) 
    bool setLabelSigns(const int value); // Set count of signs after point in labels(0..9) 
    bool setNormalColors(const ColorArray &values); // Set normal colors 
    bool setActiveColors(const ColorArray &values); // Set active colors 
    bool setNormalBorderColors(const ColorArray &values); // Set normal border colors 
    bool setActiveBorderColors(const ColorArray &values); // Set active border colors 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Controls/PolarAreaChart/PolarAreaChart.h