
This interface describes minimum required functionality from radial chart widgets.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IRadialChart :public virtual IControl
    void(*OnHoverPoint)(IRadialChart *sender, IChartData *data, const int index); // Event called when point appears under mouse pointer 
    void(*OnLeavePoint)(IRadialChart *sender); // Event called when there were point below mouse point and now no new point is below mouse pointer. Do not called when one point becomes unhovered and another becomes hovered. In the last case only OnHoverPoint will be called 

    virtual IChartDataSet *getDataSet() = 0; // Return assigned data set 

    virtual bool setDataSet(IChartDataSet *value, const bool release_old) = 0; // Assign new data set. If release_old is set to true then existing data set will be destroyed first 

    virtual void Update() = 0; // Update widget. Should be called after updating data set to refresh a widget 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Interfaces/IRadialChart.h