
Describes minimum required functionality from PageControl control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IPageControl :public virtual IControlCreateChild
    virtual int getTabSheetCount() = 0; // Return tab count 
    virtual ITabSheet *getTabSheet(const int index) = 0; // Return tab by index 
    virtual ITabSheet *getActiveTabSheet() = 0; // Return active tab 
    virtual int getActiveIndex() = 0; // Return active tab index 

    virtual bool setActiveIndex(const int value) = 0; // Set active tab 
    virtual bool setActiveTabSheet(ITabSheet *value) = 0; // Set active tab 

    virtual ITabSheet *CreateTabSheet() = 0; // Create new tab 
    virtual ITabSheet *CreateTabSheet(const int before) = 0; // Create new tab and insert before specified one 
    virtual bool AddTabSheet(ITabSheet *tab) = 0; // Add tab 
    virtual bool InsertTabSheet(ITabSheet *tab, const int before) = 0; // Insert tab before specified one 
    virtual bool DeleteTabSheet(const int index) = 0; // Delete tab by index 
    virtual bool DeleteTabSheet(ITabSheet *tab) = 0; // Delete specified tab 
    virtual bool DeleteTabSheets() = 0; // Delete all tabs 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/IPageControl.h