


Exists validator checks whether corresponding record exists in database.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class or interface.

class CDbValidatorExists :public CDbValidator
    // IDbValidator methods 
    bool Validate(CDbModel *model, IDbAttribute *attribute, String &error) override;


    CDbValidatorExists *setTarget(const String &table, const String &attribute); // Set table and attribute name used to check if corresponding value exists in database 
    CDbValidatorExists *setTarget(const String &table, const StringArray &attributes); // Set table and attribute names used to check if corresponding value exists in database 
    CDbValidatorExists *setTargetTable(const String &value); // Set table used to check if corresponding value exists in database 
    CDbValidatorExists *setTargetAttribute(const String &value); // Set attribute name used to check if corresponding value exists in database 
    CDbValidatorExists *setTargetAttribute(const StringArray &value); // Set attribute names used to check if corresponding value exists in database 

    static ReleasablePtr<CDbValidatorExists> Create(); // Helper static method to create validator in form used in model rule adding methods 
    template<class Model> CDbValidatorExists *setTarget(); // Set table to compare using it from specified Active Record model 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Db/DbValidatorExists.h