


This is a base class supposed to be used as a parent class for Active Record models. This class does not provide search, mass update and mass delete operations which are used almost always with Active Record models. So, in most cases you will need to derive your models not from this class but from TDbActiveRecord.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class or interface.

class CDbBaseActiveRecord :public virtual IDbActiveRecord, public CDbModel
    String m_sTable; // Table in DB this class is supposed to be connected to 

    CDbBaseActiveRecord(const String& table); // Constructor specifying table name 

    virtual bool BeforeSave(); // Called before saving this model. Return false to prevent saving 
    virtual bool BeforeUpdate(); // Called before updating this model data in DB. Return false to prevent updating 
    virtual bool BeforeInsert(); // Called before inserting this model data in DB. Return false to prevent inserting 
    virtual bool BeforeDelete(); // Called before deleting this model data from DB. Return false to prevent deleting 
    virtual void AfterSave(); // Called after successful saving 
    virtual void AfterUpdate(); // Called after successful update model data in DB 
    virtual void AfterInsert(); // Called after successful insert model data into DB 
    virtual void AfterDelete(); // Called after successful deleting model data from DB 
    virtual const String& getTable() const; // Return table name whether this model data is to be stored 
    // Getters 
    bool isNewRecord() const; // Return whether this model is a new one or it is already has data in DB 
    bool hasRelation(const String &name) const; // Check whether model has specified relation 
    IDbRelation* getRelation(const String &name) const; // Return specified relation 
    const DbActiveRecordPrimaryKey& getPrimaryKey() const; // Return model primary key information 

    // Setters 
    bool setNewRecord(const bool value); // Set whether the model is a new one. Can only set "true" because otherwise assigning primary key value would have been required 

    // Methods 
    bool LoadDefaultValues(const bool skip_if_set = true); // Load default values from DB 
    bool Refresh(); // Refresh attribute values form DB 
    bool Delete(); // Delete model data from DB 

    // Virtual methods 
    virtual bool Save(const bool validate = true, const StringArray& attributes = EmptyStringArray); // Save model to DB (insert or update), with or without validation of attribute values. If validation is requested, additionally attribute names to validated can be specified (otherwise, all attributes will be validated accordingly to added validation rules) 
    virtual void AfterLoad(); // Called after model data is loaded from DB 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Db/DbBaseActiveRecord.h