
Implements ForexChart control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CForexChart :public virtual IForexChart, public CControl
    class CForexChartData : public virtual IForexChartData // Default implementation of forex chart data 
        struct ChartData // Point structure 
            CDateTime DateTime; // Datetime 
            float Open; // Open value 
            float Close; // Close value 
            float Min; // Minimum value 
            float Max; // Maximum value 
        int getCount() override;
        const CDateTime &getDateTime(const int index) const override;
        float getOpen(const int index) override;
        float getClose(const int index) override;
        float getMin(const int index) override;
        float getMax(const int index) override;
        String getXLabel(const double x, const String &default_label) override;
        String getYLabel(const double y, const String &default_label) override;

        bool setDateTime(const int index, const CDateTime &value) override;
        bool setOpen(const int index, const float value) override;
        bool setClose(const int index, const float value) override;
        bool setMin(const int index, const float value) override;
        bool setMax(const int index, const float value) override;

        void Release() override;
        IForexChartData *Clone() override;

        bool Add(const CDateTime &datetime, const float open, const float close, const float min, const float max) override;
        bool Delete(const int index) override;
        bool Clear() override;

        CForexChartData(); // Create empty 
        CForexChartData(const std::vector<ChartData> &data); // Create with specified points 
        virtual ~CForexChartData() = default;
    // IControl getters 
    RectF getClientRect() override;

    // IControl setters 
    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    // IControl methods 
    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    // IForexChart getters 
    PointD getXRange() override;
    PointD getYRange() override;
    PointB getAutoRange() override;
    IForexChartData *getData() override;

    // IForexChart setters 
    bool setXRange(const PointD &value) override;
    bool setYRange(const PointD &value) override;
    bool setAutoRange(const PointB &value) override;
    bool setData(IForexChartData *value, const bool release_old) override;

    // IForexChart methods 
    void Update() override;

    CForexChart(IForm *parent);
    CForexChart(IControl *parent);
    ~CForexChart() override;

    PointB getShowAxes() const; // Return whether axes should be shown 
    PointB getShowGrid() const; // Return whether grid should be shown 
    Color getBackgroundColor() const; // Return background color 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(); // Return background gradient 
    Color getXAxisColor() const; // Return X-axis color 
    Color getYAxisColor() const; // Return Y-axis color 
    Color getXGridColor() const; // Return vertical grid color 
    Color getYGridColor() const; // Return horizontal grid color 
    PointD getGridStep() const; // Return grid step 
    PointF getLabelPadding() const; // Return horizontal and vertical padding. In this area axes labels will be drawn 
    PointB getShowLabels() const; // Return whether axes labels should be shown 
    bool isXLabelsAtTop() const; // Return whether X-axis labels are at top or at bottom 
    bool isYLabelsAtRight() const; // Return whether Y-axis labels are at right or at left 
    Point getLabelSigns() const; // Return count of signs shown in axis labels when they are numbers(default) 
    Color getXLabelsColor() const; // Return X direction labels color 
    Color getYLabelsColor() const; // Return Y direction labels color 
    PointB getAutoGrid(); // Return whether the grid should be calculated automatically 
    PointD getDefaultGridStep(); // Return default grid step(when scale is 1) 
    float getBarWidth() const; // Return bar width 
    Color getNormalPositiveBarBorderColor() const; // Return normal positive bar border color 
    Color getActivePositiveBarBorderColor() const; // Return active positive bar border color 
    Color getNormalNegativeBarBorderColor() const; // Return normal negative bar border color 
    Color getActiveNegativeBarBorderColor() const; // Return active negative bar border color 
    Color getNormalPositiveBarBackgroundColor() const; // Return normal positive bar background color 
    Color getActivePositiveBarBackgroundColor() const; // Return active positive bar background color 
    Color getNormalNegativeBarBackgroundColor() const; // Return normal negative bar background color 
    Color getActiveNegativeBarBackgroundColor() const; // Return active negative bar background color 
    bool isCandleStick() const; // Return whether draw bars in candlestick mode or not 

    bool setShowAxes(const PointB &value); // Set whether axes should be shown 
    bool setShowGrid(const PointB &value); // Set whether grid should be shown 
    bool setBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set background color 
    bool setXAxisColor(const Color &value); // Set X-axis color 
    bool setYAxisColor(const Color &value); // Set Y-axis color 
    bool setXGridColor(const Color &value); // Set vertical grid color 
    bool setYGridColor(const Color &value); // Set horizontal grid color 
    bool setGridStep(const PointD &value); // Set grid step 
    bool setLabelPadding(const PointF &value); // Set horizontal and vertical padding. In this area axes labels will be drawn 
    bool setShowLabels(const PointB &value); // Set whether axes labels should be shown 
    bool setXLabelsAtTop(const bool value); // Set whether X-axis labels are at top or at bottom 
    bool setYLabelsAtRight(const bool value); // Set whether Y-axis labels are at right or at left 
    bool setLabelSigns(const Point &value); // Set count of signs shown in axis labels when they are numbers(default). Should be in range 0..9 
    bool setXLabelsColor(const Color &value); // Set X direction labels color 
    bool setYLabelsColor(const Color &value); // Set Y direction labels color 
    bool setAutoGrid(const PointB &value); // Set whether the grid should be calculated automatically 
    bool setDefaultGridStep(const PointD &value); // Set default grid step(when scale is 1) 
    bool setBarWidth(const float value); // Set bar width 
    bool setNormalPositiveBarBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set normal positive bar border color 
    bool setActivePositiveBarBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set active positive bar border color 
    bool setNormalNegativeBarBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set normal negative bar border color 
    bool setActiveNegativeBarBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set active negative bar border color 
    bool setNormalPositiveBarBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set normal positive bar background color 
    bool setActivePositiveBarBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set active positive bar background color 
    bool setNormalNegativeBarBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set normal negative bar background color 
    bool setActiveNegativeBarBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set active negative bar background color 
    bool setCandlestick(const bool value); // Set whether draw bars in candlestick mode or not 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Controls/ForexChart/ForexChart.h