
Inverse matrix/quaternion/plane. Can be used with arithmetic data types only.

template<class TYPE>
void Inverse(TMat2<TYPE> &m);
template<class TYPE>
void Inverse(TMat3<TYPE> &m);
template<class TYPE>
void Inverse(TMat4<TYPE> &m);
template<class TYPE, size_t SIZE>
void Inverse(TMatrix<TYPE, SIZE, SIZE> &m);
template<class TYPE>
void Inverse(TQuaternion<TYPE> &q);
template<class TYPE>
void Inverse(TPlane<TYPE> &p);
Namespace: ntl
Include: NTL/Core/Mat2.h (For TMat2 argument)
NTL/Core/Mat3.h (For TMat3 argument)
NTL/Core/Mat4.h (For TMat4 argument)
NTL/Core/Matrix.h (For TMatrix argument)
NTL/Core/Quaternion.h (For TQuaternion argument)
NTL/Core/Plane.h (For TPlane argument)