
Return rounded value of object with rounded elements.

You can find more information in comments below.

template<class INT, class TYPE>
constexpr INT Round(const TYPE value); // Return rounded value
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TPoint<INT> Round(const TPoint<TYPE> &p); // Return point with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TRect<INT> Round(const TRect<TYPE> &r); // Return rect with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TVec1<INT> Round(const TVec1<TYPE> &v); // Return vector with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TVec2<INT> Round(const TVec2<TYPE> &v); // Return vector with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TVec3<INT> Round(const TVec3<TYPE> &v); // Return vector with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TVec4<INT> Round(const TVec4<TYPE> &v); // Return vector with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TQuaternion<INT> Round(const TQuaternion<TYPE> &q); // Return quaternion with rounded elements
template<class INT, class TYPE>
TRange<INT> Round(const TRange<TYPE> &v); // Return range with rounded elements
Namespace: ntl
Include: NTL/Core/Utils.h (For non-object argument)
NTL/Core/Point.h (For TPoint argument)
NTL/Core/Rect.h (For TRect argument)
NTL/Core/Vec1.h (For TVec1 argument)
NTL/Core/Vec2.h (For TVec2 argument)
NTL/Core/Vec3.h (For TVec3 argument)
NTL/Core/Vec4.h (For TVec4 argument)
NTL/Core/Quaternion.h (For TQuaternion argument)
NTL/Core/Range.h (For TRange argument)