
This class is a base class for most cartesian chart widgets. This base class is responsible for background, axes, and grids. Chart data management and drawing is left to be implemented in actual control class. If you are creating a chart widget using cartesian coordinate space you most like will save some time if you derive your control from this class and avoid writing already implemented features.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class.

class CCustomCartesianChart :public virtual ICartesianChart, public CControl
    IChartDataSet *m_pDataSet; // Assigned data set 
    PointB m_sAutoGrid; // Automatical calculation of grid 
    PointF m_sDefaultGridStep; // Default grid step(when scale is 1) 
    PointB m_sShowAxes; // Whether axes are shown 
    PointB m_sShowGrid; // Whether grid is shown 
    Color m_sBackgroundColor; // Background color 
    Gradient m_cBackgroundGradient; // Background gradient 
    Color m_sXAxisColor; // X-axis color 
    Color m_sYAxisColor; // Y-axis color 
    Color m_sXGridColor; // Vertical grid color 
    Color m_sYGridColor; // Horizontal grid color 
    PointF m_sGridStep; // Grid steps 
    PointF m_sLabelPadding; // Label paddings 
    PointB m_sShowLabels; // Whether axes labels are shown 
    bool m_bXLabelsAtTop; // Whether X-axis labels are at top or at bottom 
    bool m_bYLabelsAtRight; // Whether Y-axis labels are at right or at left 
    Point m_sLabelSigns; // Axes labels sign counts 
    Color m_sXLabelsColor; // X-axis labels color 
    Color m_sYLabelsColor; // Y-axis labels color 
    PointF m_sAutoGridStep; // Grid step calculated automatically 
    PointF m_sXRange; // Data X range 
    PointF m_sYRange; // Data Y range 
    PointB m_sAutoRange; // Whether data ranges are calculated automatically 
    PointF m_sAutoXRange; // Automatically calculated data X range 
    PointF m_sAutoYRange; // Automatically calculated data Y range 
    float m_fPointSize; // Point size 
    ITexture *m_pCanvas; // Canvas 
    IChartData *m_pHoveredData; // Hovered data 
    int m_iHoveredPoint; // Hovered point index 
    bool m_bIgnoreGradient; // Whether a changes in gradient should be ignored 

    virtual bool UpdateHoveredPoint(); // Update hovered point using curren mouse pointer coordinates 
    virtual bool UpdateHoveredPoint(const PointF &position); // Update hovered point assuming mouse pointer is at specified position(in form coordinate space) 
    virtual void UpdateAutoRanges(); // Update ranges and grids 
    virtual void UpdateFromStyle(IStyle *style); // Update from style 
    virtual void Render(); // Render all 
    virtual void RenderBackground(IRenderer *renderer, const RectF &rect); // Render background only. Called by Render() 
    virtual void RenderAxesAndGrid(IRenderer *renderer, const RectF &client, const PointF &xrange, const PointF &yrange, const PointF &grid_step); // Render axes and grids only. Called by Render() 
    virtual void RenderLabels(IRenderer *renderer, const RectF &client, IFont *font, IPlatformFont *pf, const PointF &xrange, const PointF &yrange, const PointF &grid_step); // Render axes labels only. Called by Render() 
    virtual void RenderDataSet(IRenderer *renderer, const RectF &client, const PointF &xrange, const PointF &yrange); // Render data set only 

    virtual void RenderData(IRenderer *renderer, const RectF &client, IChartData *data, const int index, ITexture *target, const PointF &xrange, const PointF &yrange) = 0; // Render specified data only. Called by RenderDataSet() 
    // IControl getters 
    RectF getClientRect() override;

    // IControl methods 
    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    // IControl setters 
    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    // ICartesianChart getters 
    PointF getXRange() override;
    PointF getYRange() override;
    PointB getAutoRange() override;
    IChartDataSet *getDataSet() override;

    // ICartesianChart setters 
    bool setXRange(const PointF &value) override;
    bool setYRange(const PointF &value) override;
    bool setAutoRange(const PointB &value) override;
    bool setDataSet(IChartDataSet *value, const bool release_old) override;

    // ICartesianChart methods 
    void Update() override;

        const String &class_name,
        const bool accept_form,
        const bool accept_control,
        const bool accept_controls,
        const bool accept_focus,
        const bool accept_modal,
        const bool tab_stop,
        const Point &design_dpi = DesignDPI);
    ~CCustomCartesianChart() override;

    PointB getShowAxes() const; // Return whether axes should be shown 
    PointB getShowGrid() const; // Return whether grid should be shown 
    Color getBackgroundColor() const; // Return background color 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(); // Return background gradient 
    Color getXAxisColor() const; // Return X-axis color 
    Color getYAxisColor() const; // Return Y-axis color 
    Color getXGridColor() const; // Return vertical grid color 
    Color getYGridColor() const; // Return horizontal grid color 
    PointF getGridStep() const; // Return grid step 
    PointF getLabelPadding() const; // Return horizontal and vertical padding. In this area axes labels will be drawn 
    PointB getShowLabels() const; // Return whether axes labels should be shown 
    bool isXLabelsAtTop() const; // Return whether X-axis labels are at top or at bottom 
    bool isYLabelsAtRight() const; // Return whether Y-axis labels are at right or at left 
    Point getLabelSigns() const; // Return count of signs shown in axis labels when they are numbers(default) 
    float getPointSize() const; // Return size of point used to detect whether mouse pointer is over a data point or not 
    PointB getAutoGrid(); // Return whether the grid should be calculated automatically 
    PointF getDefaultGridStep(); // Return default grid step(when scale is 1) 

    bool setShowAxes(const PointB &value); // Set whether axes should be shown 
    bool setShowGrid(const PointB &value); // Set whether grid should be shown 
    bool setBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set background color 
    bool setXAxisColor(const Color &value); // Set X-axis color 
    bool setYAxisColor(const Color &value); // Set Y-axis color 
    bool setXGridColor(const Color &value); // Set vertical grid color 
    bool setYGridColor(const Color &value); // Set horizontal grid color 
    bool setGridStep(const PointF &value); // Set grid step 
    bool setLabelPadding(const PointF &value); // Set horizontal and vertical padding. In this area axes labels will be drawn 
    bool setShowLabels(const PointB &value); // Set whether axes labels should be shown 
    bool setXLabelsAtTop(const bool value); // Set whether X-axis labels are at top or at bottom 
    bool setYLabelsAtRight(const bool value); // Set whether Y-axis labels are at right or at left 
    bool setLabelSigns(const Point &value); // Set count of signs shown in axis labels when they are numbers(default). Should be in range 0..9 
    bool setPointSize(const float value); // Set size of point used to detect whether mouse pointer is over a data point or not 
    bool setAutoGrid(const PointB &value); // Set whether the grid should be calculated automatically 
    bool setDefaultGridStep(const PointF &value); // Set default grid step(when scale is 1) 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Core/CustomCartesianChart.h