
This class implements default chart data.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class.

class CChartData :public virtual IChartData
    String getName() override;
    int getCount() override;
    float getX(const int index) override;
    float getY(const int index) override;
    String getLabel(const int index) override;
    IChartRenderer *getRenderer() override;

    bool setName(const String &value) override;
    bool setX(const int index, const float value) override;
    bool setY(const int index, const float value) override;
    bool setLabel(const int index, const String &value) override;

    void Release() override;
    IChartData *Clone() override;

    void AddPoint(const float x, const float y, const String &label = L"") override;
    bool DeletePoint(const int index) override;
    bool DeletePoints() override;

    CChartData(const String name = L""); // Create with no data and specified name 
    CChartData(const int size, const float def_x = 0, const float def_y = 0, const String &def_label = L"", const String name = L""); // Create with specified name and size where each point has the same specified value 
    CChartData(const std::vector<POINT> &points, const String name = L""); // Create with specified name and points 
    virtual ~CChartData();

    bool setPoint(const int index, const POINT &value); // Set point data 
    bool setRenderer(IChartRenderer *value, const bool release_old); // Assign renderer 

    bool Resize(const int size, const float def_x = 0, const float def_y = 0, const String &def_label = L""); // Change size filling new points(if new size is greater than old one) with specified values 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Core/ChartData.h