
This interface describes minimum required functionality from chart data.

You can find more information in comments below.

class IChartData
    virtual String getName() = 0; // Return name 
    virtual int getCount() = 0; // Return count of points 
    virtual float getX(const int index) = 0; // Return X-coordinate of specified point 
    virtual float getY(const int index) = 0; // Return Y-coordinate of specified point 
    virtual String getLabel(const int index) = 0; // Return label of specified point 
    virtual IChartRenderer *getRenderer() = 0; // Return assigned renderer. Can be nullptr. May be used by some chart widgets for custom drawing 

    virtual bool setName(const String &value) = 0; // Set name 
    virtual bool setX(const int index, const float value) = 0; // Set X-coordinate of specified point 
    virtual bool setY(const int index, const float value) = 0; // Set Y-coordinate of specified point 
    virtual bool setLabel(const int index, const String &value) = 0; // Set label of specified point 

    virtual void Release() = 0; // Destroy. It doesn't delete data from data set 
    virtual IChartData *Clone() = 0; // Creates a copy 

    virtual void AddPoint(const float x, const float y, const String &label = L"") = 0; // Add new point 
    virtual bool DeletePoint(const int index) = 0; // Delete specified point 
    virtual bool DeletePoints() = 0; // Delete all points 
Namespace: nitisa::charts
Include: Charts/Interfaces/IChartData.h