
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Android platform only

Corresponding class for Windows platform is here.

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Implementation of application for Android platform.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CApplication :public virtual IApplication
        struct FONT_FACE // Describe loaded font face 
            void *Face;
            String Name;
            int RefCount;
            bool Default;
        struct MESSAGE_KEY_ANDROID :public MESSAGE_KEY // Key message extension 
            int32_t KeyCode; // Android system key code 
        int getWindowCount() override;
        IWindow *getWindow(const int index) override;
        IForm *getWindowForm(const int index) override;
        IForm *getMainForm() override;
        IKeyboard *getKeyboard() override;
        IMouse *getMouse() override;
        ITranslate *getTranslate() override;
        IStyles *getStyles() override;
        IScreen *getScreen() override;
        ISystem *getSystem() override;
        IPicture *getPicture() override;
        IDialogs *getDialogs() override;
        IFileSystem *getFileSystem() override;
        const String &getApplicationFileName() const override;
        const String &getApplicationDirectory() const override;
        // Since 5.0.0 
        INetwork *getNetwork() override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        const String &getModuleFileName() const override; // Return same as getApplicationFileName() 
        const String &getModuleDirectory() const override; // Return same as getApplicationDirectory() 
        // Since 8.0.0 
        IEditor *getEditor() override; // Return nullptr 
        // Since 9.0.0 
        bool isUseDialogBoxes() override;
        bool isGlobal() override; // Return true 
        bool setMainForm(IForm *value) override;
        int Run() override;
        void ProcessMessages() override;
        void RepaintAll() override;
        IApplicationService *QueryService() override;
        // Since 5.0.0 
        IThread *CreateThread(const bool paused, IThreadListener *listener) override;
        virtual ~CApplication();
        void(*OnSaveState)(CApplication *sender); // Event called when android informs about need of saving application state before closing 
        void(*OnLowMemory)(CApplication *sender); // Event called when android inform application about low free memory 
        AConfiguration *getConfiguration(); // Return application configuration 
        AAssetManager *getAssetManager(); // Return asset manager 
        FONT_FACE *LoadFontFace(const String &filename); // Load font or return existing one 
        FONT_FACE *LoadDefaultFontFace(const String &filename); // Load default font or return existing one 
        void FreeFontFace(FONT_FACE *face); // Free font if it is not used anymore. Each call of LoadFontFace/LoadDefaultFontFace should correspond the same count of calls of FreeFontFace 

The usage is quite simple.

CMyForm *form;
    void android_main()
Namespace: nitisa::standard::android
Include: Standard/Platform/Android/Application.h