
This class is an implementation of the Built-in Scroll control. You may check ScrollBar control source code in the Standard package to see how it may be used in your controls.

"Active" state of control or its part is the state when user has down mouse button over it but hasn't release it yet.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class or interface.

class CBuiltInScroll :public virtual IBuiltInScroll, public CBuiltInControl
    enum class ElementType // Describes scroll elements 
        StartArrow, // Start or decreasing arrow 
        Scroller, // A part which could be used to drag and change position 
        EndArrow, // End or increasing arrow 
        None // None 

    enum class State // Describes possible states 
        Normal, // Normal 
        Hovered, // Control is hovered 
        Active, // Controls is active(user down mouse button over its active element and didn't release it yet) 
        Disabled // Control is disabled 

    enum class ElementState // States of elements 
        NormalNormal, // Control is in normal state and element is in normal state as well 
        HoveredNormal, // Control is hovered, element is in normal state 
        HoveredHovered, // Control is hovered and element is hovered as well 
        ActiveNormal, // Control is active, element is hovered 
        ActiveActive, // Control is active and element is active as well 
        DisabledDisabled // Both control and element are disabled 
    IBuiltInControlListener *getListener() override;
    bool isHovered() override;
    RectF getRenderRect() override;
    bool isDown() override;

    void setListener(IBuiltInControlListener *value) override;
    bool setEnabled(const bool value) override;
    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    void UpdateFromStyle(IStyle *style, const String &class_name) override;
    void Render(const bool last_pass, const Mat4f &matrix, const Block *block) override;
    void Update() override;

    // State change notifications 
    void NotifyOnAttach() override;
    void NotifyOnDeactivate() override;
    void NotifyOnFreeResources() override;

    // Mouse input notifications 
    bool NotifyOnMouseHover(const PointF &position) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseLeave() override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseMove(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseLeftDown(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseLeftUp(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseLeftDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleDown(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleUp(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseRightDown(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseRightUp(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseRightDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) override;
    void NotifyOnMouseDownCancel() override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseVerticalWheel(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const int delta) override;
    bool NotifyOnMouseHorizontalWheel(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const int delta) override;

    // Keyboard input notifications 
    bool NotifyOnKeyDown(const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) override;
    bool NotifyOnKeyUp(const Key key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) override;
    bool NotifyOnChar(const wchar_t chr, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) override;
    bool NotifyOnDeadChar(const wchar_t chr, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) override;

    // Other input notifications 
    bool NotifyOnDropFiles(const PointF &position, const StringArray &filenames) override;

    // Clipboard notifications 
    bool NotifyOnPasteString(const String &text) override;

    float getMin() override;
    float getMax() override;
    float getScroll() override;
    float getScrollerSize() override;
    float getDeltaSmall() override;
    float getDeltaMedium() override;
    float getDeltaLarge() override;
    bool isVertical() override;
    bool isArrowsVisible() override;

    bool setMin(const float value) override;
    bool setMax(const float value) override;
    bool setScroll(const float value) override;
    bool setScrollerSize(const float value) override;
    bool setDeltaSmall(const float value) override;
    bool setDeltaMedium(const float value) override;
    bool setDeltaLarge(const float value) override;
    bool setVertical(const bool value) override;
    bool setArrowsVisible(const bool value) override;

    CBuiltInScroll(); // Constructor 

    virtual State getState(); // Return current control state 
    ElementType getHoveredElement() const; // Return hovered element 
    ElementType getActiveElement() const; // Return active element 
    float getScrollInterval() const; // Return scroll timer interval in seconds. Scroll happens when user click on scrolling arrows and hold mouse button 
    float getArrowSize() const; // Return relative size of the arrows 
    // Background 
    float getBorderWidth() const; // Return border width 
    float getBorderRadius() const; // Return corners radius 
    Color getBorderColor(const State state) const; // Return border colour depending on state 
    Color getBackgroundColor(const State state) const; // Return background colour depending on state 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(const State state); // Return background gradient depending on state 
    // Shadow 
    int getShadowRadius(const State state) const; // Return shadow blur radius depending on state 
    PointF getShadowShift(const State state) const; // Return shadow shift depending on state 
    Color getShadowColor(const State state) const; // Return shadow colour depending on state 
    // Start arrow 
    float getStartArrowBorderWidth() const; // Return start arrow border width 
    float getStartArrowBorderRadius() const; // Return start arrow corners radius 
    Color getStartArrowBorderColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return start arrow border colour depending on state 
    Color getStartArrowBackgroundColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return start arrow background colour depending on state 
    Gradient *getStartArrowBackgroundGradient(const ElementState state); // Return start arrow background gradient depending on state 
    Color getStartArrowColor1(const ElementState state) const; // Return start arrow triangle 1st corner colour depending on state 
    Color getStartArrowColor2(const ElementState state) const; // Return start arrow triangle 2nd corner colour depending on state 
    Color getStartArrowColor3(const ElementState state) const; // Return start arrow triangle 3rd corner colour depending on state 
    // End arrow 
    float getEndArrowBorderWidth() const; // Return end arrow border width 
    float getEndArrowBorderRadius() const; // Return end arrow corners radius 
    Color getEndArrowBorderColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return end arrow border colour depending on state 
    Color getEndArrowBackgroundColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return end arrow background colour depending on state 
    Gradient *getEndArrowBackgroundGradient(const ElementState state); // Return end arrow background gradient depending on state 
    Color getEndArrowColor1(const ElementState state) const; // Return end arrow triangle 1st corner colour depending on state 
    Color getEndArrowColor2(const ElementState state) const; // Return end arrow triangle 2nd corner colour depending on state 
    Color getEndArrowColor3(const ElementState state) const; // Return end arrow triangle 3rd corner colour depending on state 
    // Scroller 
    float getScrollerBorderWidth() const; // Return scroller border width 
    float getScrollerBorderRadius() const; // Return scroller corners radius 
    Color getScrollerBorderColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return scroller border colour depending on state 
    Color getScrollerBackgroundColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return scroller background colour depending on state 
    Gradient *getScrollerBackgroundGradient(const ElementState state); // Return scroller background gradient depending on state 
    Color getScrollerLinesBorderColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return scroller lines border colour depending on state 
    Color getScrollerLinesBackgroundColor(const ElementState state) const; // Return scroller lines background colour depending on state 
    PointF getScrollerLinesSize() const; // Return scroller lines size 
    float getScrollerLinesDistance() const; // Return distance between scroller lines 
    float getScrollerLinesBorderWidth() const; // Return border width of scroller lines 

    bool setScrollInterval(const float value); // Set scroll interval(in seconds) 
    bool setArrowSize(const float value); // Set arrow size 
    // Background 
    bool setBorderWidth(const float value); // Set borders width 
    bool setBorderRadius(const float value); // Set corners radius 
    bool setBorderColor(const State state, const Color &value); // Set borders colour depending on state 
    bool setBackgroundColor(const State state, const Color &value); // Set background colour depending on state 
    // Shadow 
    bool setShadowRadius(const State state, const int value); // Set shadow blur radius depending on state 
    bool setShadowShift(const State state, const PointF &value); // Set shadow shift depending on state 
    bool setShadowColor(const State state, const Color &value); // Set shadow color depending on state 
    // Start arrow 
    bool setStartArrowBorderWidth(const float value); // Set start arrow borders width 
    bool setStartArrowBorderRadius(const float value); // Set start arrow corners radius 
    bool setStartArrowBorderColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set start arrow borders color depending on state 
    bool setStartArrowBackgroundColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set start arrow background color depending on state 
    bool setStartArrowColor1(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set start arrow triangle 1st corner color depending on state 
    bool setStartArrowColor2(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set start arrow triangle 2nd corner color depending on state 
    bool setStartArrowColor3(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set start arrow triangle 3rd corner color depending on state 
    // End arrow 
    bool setEndArrowBorderWidth(const float value); // Set end arrow borders width 
    bool setEndArrowBorderRadius(const float value); // Set end arrow corners radius 
    bool setEndArrowBorderColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set end arrow borders color depending on state 
    bool setEndArrowBackgroundColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set end arrow background color depending on state 
    bool setEndArrowColor1(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set end arrow triangle 1st corner color depending on state 
    bool setEndArrowColor2(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set end arrow triangle 2nd corner color depending on state 
    bool setEndArrowColor3(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set end arrow triangle 3rd corner color depending on state 
    // Scroller 
    bool setScrollerBorderWidth(const float value); // Set scroller borders width 
    bool setScrollerBorderRadius(const float value); // Set scroller corners radius 
    bool setScrollerBorderColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set scroller borders color 
    bool setScrollerBackgroundColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set scroller background color 
    bool setScrollerLinesBorderColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set scroller lines borders color 
    bool setScrollerLinesBackgroundColor(const ElementState state, const Color &value); // Set scroller lines background color 
    bool setScrollerLinesSize(const PointF &value); // Set scroller lines size 
    bool setScrollerLinesDistance(const float value); // Set distance between scroller lines 
    bool setScrollerLinesBorderWidth(const float value); // Set borders width of scroller lines 

    void SwitchDirection(const bool size); // Vertical become horizontal and wise versa 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/BuiltInControls/Scroll/BuiltInScroll.h