In this, the second, article we will show how to create and use your own dialog boxes. We will explain differences and similarities in developing using dialog boxes to developing using standalone forms. We also will show how your project may be prepared to work with both modes. In this tutorial we are also going to show how to use Tag property of widgets, which is designed to be used as user defined data storage and may store data of different types.
Forms in dialog box mode works like child forms for the main one where they are located and framework's CForm class, which is a base class for all your application standalone forms, handles such behaviour automatically. Lets call form in dialog box mode just dialog box for simplicity. We are now going to create a simple project for managing goods which will use modal interface for adding and modifying a product and modal interface for delete products confirmation.
We start by creating main(standalone) form for our project. Each application usually has at least one form called the main form. It appears when application starts and contains most important view used in application. Our main form will have list of products and buttons for managing them. Lets start.
The main form layout is ready. We will add some code implementing its logic later.
In this chapter we will create a form for editing information about product.
As you may have noticed we did not set form's caption and value of the name's edit widget. We did it on purpose. Caption of the form will depend on whether a new product is being added or an existing one is being edited. As well name edit widget's text will be set on form showing.
Lets now create layout for the final form of the project. This form will be used to show confirmation interface when user is going to delete a product or all products from the list.
We have finished with layout for our application's forms. Lets now write some code.
We start adding source code for our forms in reverse order because the latest two forms are more or less independent and the first(main) one depends on them both. Lets start creating confirmation form.
#pragma once
// Include header file with form prototype in dialog box mode
#include "IDialogBoxConfirm.h"
// Namespace where everything of the Nitisa framework is
namespace nitisa
// Our application namespace. The same namespace where Form Builder put form prototype in
namespace app
// Confirmation dialog box class derived from confirmation dialog box prototype
class CDialogBoxConfirm :public IDialogBoxConfirm
// This method will be called when user clicks on "Yes" button
void ButtonYes_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// This method will be called when user clicks on "No" button
void ButtonNo_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Constructor to create dialog box and put it onto a form
CDialogBoxConfirm(IForm *parent);
// Method for showing dialog box with specified message
void Execute(const String &message);
// Include header file with dialog box class declaration
#include "DialogBoxConfirm.h"
namespace nitisa
namespace app
CDialogBoxConfirm::CDialogBoxConfirm(IForm *parent) :
// In the constructor we should only call parent class constructor
L"DialogBoxConfirm", // Our dialog box class name
true, // Dialog box can be placed onto a form directly
false, // Dialog box cannot be placed onto another widget
false, // Dialog box cannot be focused
false) // and as it cannot be focused "tab_stop" has no meaning, just put false
// Put dialog box onto specified form
void CDialogBoxConfirm::ButtonYes_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "Yes" button set dialog box showing result to "mrYes"
// This will close dialog box automatically
void CDialogBoxConfirm::ButtonNo_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "No" button set dialog box showing result to "mrNo"
// This will close dialog box automatically
void CDialogBoxConfirm::Execute(const String &message)
// Show message on the label we added especially for this purpose
// Show dialog box as modal one
The second form/dialog box we are going to implement is the form for adding or editing product. This one is a more complicated than previous form but not much as you will see now.
#pragma once
// Include header file with form prototype in dialog box mode
#include "IDialogBoxProduct.h"
// Namespace where everything of the Nitisa framework is
namespace nitisa
// Our application namespace. The same namespace where Form Builder put form prototype in
namespace app
// Structure containing product information
struct PRODUCT
// Product name
String Name;
// Product price
float Price;
// Product remaining quantity
int Quantity;
// Product editing dialog box class derived from product editing dialog box prototype
class CDialogBoxProduct :public IDialogBoxProduct
// This flag will store whether a dialog box is shown in create or edit product mode
// It will store value of "is_new" parameter of Execute() method
bool m_bIsNew;
// This method will validate whether information on dialog box is correct or not
bool Validate();
// This method will be called when user clicks on "OK" button
void ButtonOk_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// This method will be called when user clicks on "Cancel" button
void ButtonCancel_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Constructor to create dialog box and put it onto a form
CDialogBoxProduct(IForm *parent);
// Return flag indicating whether a dialog box is shown in create or edit product mode
bool isNew() const;
// Return product information stored in dialog box
PRODUCT getProduct() const;
// Method for showing dialog box with specified product information
void Execute(const PRODUCT &product, const bool is_new);
// Include header file with dialog box class declaration
#include "DialogBoxProduct.h"
namespace nitisa
namespace app
CDialogBoxProduct::CDialogBoxProduct(IForm *parent):
// In the constructor we should only call parent class constructor. Meaning of its arguments is the same as for the confirmation dialog box
IDialogBoxProduct(L"DialogBoxProduct", true, false, false, false),
// Initialize flag to some correct value
m_bIsNew{ true }
// Put dialog box onto specified form
bool CDialogBoxProduct::isNew() const
// Just return stored value of the flag
return m_bIsNew;
PRODUCT CDialogBoxProduct::getProduct() const
// Convert input values to PRODUCT structure
return PRODUCT{ Trim(m_pEditName->getText()), m_pUpDownExPrice->getValue(), m_pUpDownQuantity->getValue() };
void CDialogBoxProduct::Execute(const PRODUCT &product, const bool is_new)
// Set product information into inputs
// Store specified flag
m_bIsNew = is_new;
// Show dialog box as modal one
void CDialogBoxProduct::ButtonOk_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "OK" button set dialog box showing result to "mrOk"
// This will close dialog box automatically
// But before doing so we check whether information in inputs is valid
if (Validate())
void CDialogBoxProduct::ButtonCancel_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "Cancel" button set dialog box showing result to "mrCancel"
// This will close dialog box automatically
bool CDialogBoxProduct::Validate()
// If name of the product is specified as empty string
if (Trim(m_pEditName->getText()).empty())
// Select everything in the name input
// Set name input focused
// Return false as the validation failed
return false;
// Validation passed so we return true
return true;
As you can see the product dialog box source code is a little longer than source code of confirmation dialog box. Nevertheless it is not much complicated.
Finally we are ready to implement our application main form.
#pragma once
// Include header file with definition of IDialogBoxListener interface
#include "Nitisa/Interfaces/IDialogBoxListener.h"
// Include header file with form prototype
#include "IFormMain.h"
// Include header file where PRODUCT structure is defined as we use it here
#include "DialogBoxProduct.h"
// Namespace where everything of the Nitisa framework is
namespace nitisa
// Our application namespace. The same namespace where Form Builder put form prototype in
namespace app
// Inform compiler that such class exists
class CDialogBoxConfirm;
// Main form derived from main form prototype class
class CFormMain :public IFormMain
// Dialog box listener we are going to use to get information from dialog boxes
// It should implement IDialogBoxListener interface
class CDialogBoxListener :public virtual IDialogBoxListener
// Pointer to the form
CFormMain *m_pForm;
// IDialogBoxListener methods we should implement
void OnClose(IDialogBox *sender) override;
void OnRestore(IDialogBox *sender) override;
void OnMinimize(IDialogBox *sender) override;
void OnMaximize(IDialogBox *sender) override;
// Listener constructor
CDialogBoxListener(CFormMain *form);
// Define some constants for different actions. We will use them with confirmation dialog box
const int ACTION_DELETE{ -1 }; // Action is "Delete selected products"
const int ACTION_CLEAR{ -2 }; // Action is "Clear information about all products"
// Pointer to product dialog box
CDialogBoxProduct *m_pDialogBoxProduct;
// Pointer to confirmation dialog box
CDialogBoxConfirm *m_pDialogBoxConfirm;
// Products storage
std::vector<PRODUCT> m_aProducts;
// Flag used to automatically resize product dialog box only once
bool m_bDialogBoxProductResized;
// Flag used to automatically resize confirmation dialog box only once
bool m_bDialogBoxConfirmResized;
// Listener for dialog boxes
CDialogBoxListener m_cDialogBoxListener;
// This method return product dialog box creating one if it was not created yet
CDialogBoxProduct *getDialogBoxProduct();
// This method return confirmation dialog box creating one if it was not created yet
CDialogBoxConfirm *getDialogBoxConfirm();
// This method shows product dialog box with specified product information
void ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(const PRODUCT &product, const bool is_new, const int tag);
// This method shows confirmation dialog box with specified message
void ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(const String &message, const int tag);
// Method called when user click on "Add product" button
void ButtonAdd_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Method called when user click on "Edit product" button
void ButtonEdit_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Method called when user click on "Delete products" button
void ButtonDelete_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Method called when user click on "Clear" button
void ButtonClear_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Variable where we will store form instance
extern CFormMain *FormMain;
// Include header file with platform window management class
#include "Platform/Core/Window.h"
// Include header file with platform OpenGL renderer
#include "Platform/Core/Renderer.h"
// Include header file with the form declaration
#include "FormMain.h"
// Include header file with confirmation dialog box declaration as we are going to use its methods
#include "DialogBoxConfirm.h"
namespace nitisa
namespace app
// Global variable for the form instance
CFormMain *FormMain{ nullptr };
// In listener's constructor we just store pointer to a form
CFormMain::CDialogBoxListener::CDialogBoxListener(CFormMain *form) :
m_pForm{ form }
// This method of the listener is called when dialog box is closed
void CFormMain::CDialogBoxListener::OnClose(IDialogBox *sender)
CDialogBoxProduct *dlg;
// Check with what result dialog box was closed
switch (sender->getModalResult())
case ModalResult::Yes: // We close with this result when user clicks on "Yes" button in the confirmation dialog box
// Identify what action should be performed by "Tag" property value
if ((int)sender->Tag == m_pForm->ACTION_DELETE) // We have to delete selected products
// Run through all products and delete them both from m_aProducts storage and widget
for (int i = m_pForm->m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (m_pForm->m_pCheckListBoxProducts->isChecked(i))
m_pForm->m_aProducts.erase(m_pForm->m_aProducts.begin() + i);
else if ((int)sender->Tag == m_pForm->ACTION_CLEAR) // We have to delete all products
case ModalResult::Ok: // We close with this result when user clicks on "OK" button in the product dialog box
if ((dlg = cast<CDialogBoxProduct*>(sender))) // Convert "sender" to product dialog box
// Compose caption displayed in the widget for the product
String caption{ dlg->getProduct().Name + L" [" + ToString(dlg->getProduct().Quantity) + L" for $" + ToFixed(dlg->getProduct().Price, 2) + L" each]" };
if (dlg->isNew()) // If it was adding a product, add it
else // Otherwise it was modification of the product
m_pForm->m_aProducts[(int)dlg->Tag] = dlg->getProduct();
void CFormMain::CDialogBoxListener::OnRestore(IDialogBox *sender)
// We are not interesting in this notification
void CFormMain::CDialogBoxListener::OnMinimize(IDialogBox *sender)
// We are not interesting in this notification
void CFormMain::CDialogBoxListener::OnMaximize(IDialogBox *sender)
// We are not interesting in this notification
// Call parent constructor with platform window and renderer objects as usual
IFormMain(CWindow::Create(), CRenderer::Create()),
// Product dialog box is not created yet, so its pointer is empty
m_pDialogBoxProduct{ nullptr },
// Confirmation dialog box is not created yet, so its pointer is empty
m_pDialogBoxConfirm{ nullptr },
// Product dialog box was not resized yet
m_bDialogBoxProductResized{ false },
// Confirmation dialog box was not resized yet
m_bDialogBoxConfirmResized{ false },
// Listener's constructor requires form
m_cDialogBoxListener{ this }
CDialogBoxProduct *CFormMain::getDialogBoxProduct()
// If product dialog box was not created yet
if (!m_pDialogBoxProduct)
// Create it
m_pDialogBoxProduct = new CDialogBoxProduct(this);
// Assign listener to it
// Set its background color equals to the background color of the main form
return m_pDialogBoxProduct;
CDialogBoxConfirm *CFormMain::getDialogBoxConfirm()
// If confirmation dialog box was not created yet
if (!m_pDialogBoxConfirm)
// Create it
m_pDialogBoxConfirm = new CDialogBoxConfirm(this);
// Assign listener to it
// Set its background color equals to the background color of the main form
return m_pDialogBoxConfirm;
void CFormMain::ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(const PRODUCT &product, const bool is_new, const int tag)
// Assign "tag" to "Tag" property of the dialog box
getDialogBoxProduct()->Tag = tag;
// Set dialog box caption depending whether we add or modify a product
getDialogBoxProduct()->setCaption(is_new ? L"Add product" : L"Edit product");
// Show dialog box as modal one
getDialogBoxProduct()->Execute(product, is_new);
// If dialog box was not yet resized
if (!m_bDialogBoxProductResized)
// Resize it
// And set flag indicating it was already resized
m_bDialogBoxProductResized = true;
void CFormMain::ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(const String &message, const int tag)
// Assign "tag" to "Tag" property of the dialog box
getDialogBoxConfirm()->Tag = tag;
// Show dialog box as modal one
// If dialog box was not yet resized
if (!m_bDialogBoxConfirmResized)
// Resize it
// And set flag indicating it was already resized
m_bDialogBoxConfirmResized = true;
void CFormMain::ButtonAdd_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// Show product dialog box with empty product, indicating it is new product and any "tag" value as it is not used in adding a product
ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(PRODUCT{ L"", 0.0f, 0 }, true, 0);
void CFormMain::ButtonEdit_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// If there is active row in the widget with products
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex() >= 0)
// Show product dialog box with product information, indicating it is existing product and "tag" equals to the product index in widget and products storage
ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(m_aProducts[m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex()], false, m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex());
void CFormMain::ButtonDelete_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// Check if at least one product is selected
bool has_checked{ false };
for (int i = 0; i < m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount(); i++)
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItem(i)->isChecked())
has_checked = true;
// Only if there is at least one selected product
if (has_checked)
// Show delete selected products confirmation dialog box with action indicating deleting selected products
ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(L"Are you sure you want to delete selected products?", ACTION_DELETE);
void CFormMain::ButtonClear_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// If there are products
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount() > 0)
// Show delete all products confirmation dialog box with action indicating deleting all products
ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(L"Are you sure you want to delete information about all products?", ACTION_CLEAR);
We've got quite a big files here. Let we clarify some moments which may not be obvious.
We have two dialog boxes: for product and confirmation. Each dialog box is used for two purposes. Product dialog box is used both for adding a new product and for modification of existing one. Confirmation dialog box is used both to confirm removing only selected products and to confirm removing all products. For all this diversity we have only one listener with only one OnClose()
method called when a dialog box is closed(either product or confirmation one). We made a little trick when written our two dialog boxes source code. We close them with different result. When user finishes editing product information and clicks on OK button, we close dialog box with ModalResult::Ok result as you may see in the ButtonOk_OnClick
method implementation in the DialogBoxProduct.cpp source file. When user confirms deletion in confirmation dialog box by clicking on Yes button we close the dialog box with ModalResult::Yes result. So in the listener's OnClose()
method we can identify which dialog box was closed only by its result as we are interested only in those two actions(clicking on OK and clicking on Yes buttons). The other way we could use to identify which dialog box was closed is to try to convert sender
argument to both CDialogBoxProduct
and CDialogBoxConfirm
class instances.
To identify which of two modes where used for each of dialog boxes we utilize the Tag property of any widget. This property can store any information and has no particular meaning for widgets. It can be used for anything you want in your source code. So, when we show confirmation of deleting only selected products we set Tag value to ACTION_DELETE
constant and when we show dialog box for confirmation of deleting all products we set Tag value to ACTION_CLEAR
constant. We defined that constants as -1 and -2 respectfully. For the product dialog box we use Tag for storing index of the product which is being modified in the dialog box. When product dialog box is being used to add new product we use its is_new
argument of the Execute()
method and isNew()
method to get value of the flag passed to Execute()
The other approach we could use is to create two or even four listener's. Anyway, there are a lot of different ways of getting the same result. You may chose your own path. We only wanted to show some of possible implementations.
The other thing you may be confused in is why we do not create dialog boxes together with creating main form. We could have created them in form's constructor. The way we did it in this example uses creation by request method. It means we create something only when it is really needed. In your real applications there may be a lot of different dialog boxes. Many of them will most probably not be used by user each time one runs the application and creating all of them when application starts may take a while. It will be a good optimization to avoid creation of dialog boxes(or even another forms) until it requested by a user. Creating one, requested, dialog box or form is usually fast enough operation to perform it on the fly. Thus your application would starts much faster and use much less system resources.
The only one last thing left is to write main.cpp file code. Just copy it from below. It is absolutely the same as was in the first part of the tutorial. Most probably it will be absolutely the same for most of your projects.
#include <Windows.h>
// Include file with platform application manager
#include "Platform/Core/Application.h"
// Include file with our form declaration
#include "FormMain.h"
// Tell the linker we want to link with the framework's core library. Mandatory
#pragma comment(lib, "Nitisa.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with the Standard package library as we use widgets from this package
// When we use widgets on the form from some package we should link our application with the library of that package
// Libraries for linking can also be specified in the project settings but we prefer doing this in this way as it is more informative
#pragma comment(lib, "Standard.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with platform-dependent code library. Required in most cases
#pragma comment(lib, "Platform.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") // Add linking with OpenGL library
nitisa::CApplication app; // Create application
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormMain); // Create our form. Having variable for it makes it possible to use "CreateForm" but it can also be created as usual with "new" operator
app.setMainForm(nitisa::app::FormMain); // Tell the application the form is the main form of the application
app.Run(); // Run application
return 0;
Below you can find some images of working application we just finished.
In this chapter we will show what can be done so that your source code support both dialog box and standalone form modes.
As you already know in dialog box mode your forms are actually widgets. So there is no way to change classes CDialogBoxProduct
and CDialogBoxConfirm
so that they act in one case as form and in another as dialog box. It means you should create separate implementations for form and dialog box modes. At least for those parts of classes which are not common. Lets start from adding form implementations for product and confirmation forms.
That is all changes to form layouts we need. By changing settings and re-saving forms we got two new files generated by the FormBuilder. They are IFormProduct.h and IFormConfirm.h. Remember we used placeholder {type} for the both form names? Yes, it because of it we can have one form file and have two different prototypes in two different files. Lets now add implementation of our forms. The implementation is quite similar to the one we created above so you will easy understand it.
method returns result of showing the form.#pragma once
// Include header file with form prototype
#include "IFormProduct.h"
// Include header file where PRODUCT structure is declared
#include "DialogBoxProduct.h"
// Namespace where everything of the Nitisa framework is
namespace nitisa
// Our application namespace. The same namespace where Form Builder put form prototype in
namespace app
// Product editing form class derived from product editing form prototype
class CFormProduct :public IFormProduct
// This method will validate whether information on form is correct or not
bool Validate();
// This method will be called when user clicks on "OK" button
void ButtonOk_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// This method will be called when user clicks on "Cancel" button
void ButtonCancel_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Constructor
// Return product information stored in form
PRODUCT getProduct() const;
// Method for showing form with specified product information
ModalResult Execute(const PRODUCT &product);
// Variable where we will store form instance
extern CFormProduct *FormProduct;
// Include header file with platform window management class
#include "Platform/Core/Window.h"
// Include header file with platform OpenGL renderer
#include "Platform/Core/Renderer.h"
// Include header file with form class declaration
#include "FormProduct.h"
namespace nitisa
namespace app
// Global variable for the form instance
CFormProduct *FormProduct{ nullptr };
CFormProduct::CFormProduct() :
// Call parent constructor with platform window and renderer objects as usual
IFormProduct(CWindow::Create(), CRenderer::Create())
PRODUCT CFormProduct::getProduct() const
// Convert input values to PRODUCT structure
return PRODUCT{ Trim(m_pEditName->getText()), m_pUpDownExPrice->getValue(), m_pUpDownQuantity->getValue() };
ModalResult CFormProduct::Execute(const PRODUCT &product)
// Set product information into inputs
// Show dialog box as modal one
return ShowModal();
void CFormProduct::ButtonOk_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "OK" button set form showing result to "mrOk"
// This will close form automatically
// But before doing so we check whether information in inputs is valid
if (Validate())
void CFormProduct::ButtonCancel_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "Cancel" button set form showing result to "mrCancel"
// This will close form automatically
bool CFormProduct::Validate()
// If name of the product is specified as empty string
if (Trim(m_pEditName->getText()).empty())
// Select everything in the name input
// Set name input focused
// Return false as the validation failed
return false;
// Validation passed so we return true
return true;
#pragma once
// Include header file with form prototype
#include "IFormConfirm.h"
// Namespace where everything of the Nitisa framework is
namespace nitisa
// Our application namespace. The same namespace where Form Builder put form prototype in
namespace app
// Confirmation form class derived from confirmation form prototype
class CFormConfirm :public IFormConfirm
// This method will be called when user clicks on "Yes" button
void ButtonYes_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// This method will be called when user clicks on "No" button
void ButtonNo_OnClick(IControl *sender) override;
// Constructor
// Method for showing form with specified message
ModalResult Execute(const String &message);
// Variable where we will store form instance
extern CFormConfirm *FormConfirm;
// Include header file with platform window management class
#include "Platform/Core/Window.h"
// Include header file with platform OpenGL renderer
#include "Platform/Core/Renderer.h"
// Include header file with form class declaration
#include "FormConfirm.h"
namespace nitisa
namespace app
// Global variable for the form instance
CFormConfirm *FormConfirm{ nullptr };
CFormConfirm::CFormConfirm() :
// Call parent constructor with platform window and renderer objects as usual
IFormConfirm(CWindow::Create(), CRenderer::Create())
void CFormConfirm::ButtonYes_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "Yes" button set form showing result to "mrYes"
// This will close form automatically
void CFormConfirm::ButtonNo_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// When user clicks on "No" button set form showing result to "mrNo"
// This will close form automatically
ModalResult CFormConfirm::Execute(const String &message)
// Show message on the label we added especially for this purpose
// Show form as modal one
return ShowModal();
That is all concerning adding form mode implementation. As you can see in both dialog box and form modes implementation is very similar. The only two major differences here are following. In form mode your form class should be derived from form prototype class but in dialog box mode your form class should be derived from form prototype class in dialog box mode. Both those prototypes are being generated by the Form Builder when you save your form. Which prototype will be generated depends on Export as option of the Form Builder configuration. The second difference is a constructor. In dialog box mode prototype class has more options and they differs from the prototype of form mode. In the dialog box mode it has behaviour settings while in form mode it requires platform window and renderer objects.
Before changing main form code lets decide how we will identify which mode to use. There are plenty of possibilities. For example, we can use preprocessor option for it or use some global constant. In the Nitisa there is a standard way for letting know to entire application the dialog box mode should be used. As you might know there is only one global variable in the framework. This variable is IApplication *Application;
. The IApplication interface has a property called DialogBoxes
. That is what we will use to identify mode for our product and confirmation forms. If it equals to true then we will use forms in dialog box mode, otherwise we will use forms as regular forms. By default this property equals to false which means regular forms should be used. Lets for now leave this unchanged as we already have dialog box mode implemented and are going to implement form mode. Update main.cpp file to the following.
#include <Windows.h>
// Include file with platform application manager
#include "Platform/Core/Application.h"
// Include file with main form declaration
#include "FormMain.h"
// Include file with product form declaration
#include "FormProduct.h"
// Include file with confirmation form declaration
#include "FormConfirm.h"
// Tell the linker we want to link with the framework's core library. Mandatory
#pragma comment(lib, "Nitisa.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with the Standard package library as we use widgets from this package
// When we use widgets on the form from some package we should link our application with the library of that package
// Libraries for linking can also be specified in the project settings but we prefer doing this in this way as it is more informative
#pragma comment(lib, "Standard.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with platform-dependent code library. Required in most cases
#pragma comment(lib, "Platform.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") // Add linking with OpenGL library
nitisa::CApplication app; // Create application
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormMain); // Create our form. Having variable for it makes it possible to use "CreateForm" but it can also be created as usual with "new" operator
app.setMainForm(nitisa::app::FormMain); // Tell the application the form is the main form of the application
if (!app.DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormProduct); // Create product adding/editing form
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormConfirm); // Create product removing confirmation form
app.Run(); // Run application
return 0;
Here we added including files with product and confirmation forms and creating these forms if regular form mode should be used. That's all the changes to the file. Lets now modify following parts of the FormMain.cpp file.
// Include file with product form declaration
#include "FormProduct.h"
// Include file with confirmation form declaration
#include "FormConfirm.h"
method to the following.void CFormMain::ButtonAdd_OnClick(IControl *sender)
if (!Application->DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
if (FormProduct->Execute(PRODUCT{ L"", 0.0f, 0 }) == ModalResult::Ok) // If user clicked "OK" button on product form
PRODUCT p{ FormProduct->getProduct() };
// Add product to storage
// Add product to widget
m_pCheckListBoxProducts->Add(p.Name + L" [" + ToString(p.Quantity) + L" for $" + ToFixed(p.Price, 2) + L" each]");
else // Otherwise use dialog box mode
// Show product dialog box with empty product, indicating it is new product and any "tag" value as it is not used in adding a product
ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(PRODUCT{ L"", 0.0f, 0 }, true, 0);
method to the following.void CFormMain::ButtonEdit_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// If there is active row in the widget with products
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex() >= 0)
if (!Application->DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
if (FormProduct->Execute(m_aProducts[m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex()]) == ModalResult::Ok) // If user clicked "OK" button on product form
PRODUCT p{ FormProduct->getProduct() };
// Update product in storage
m_aProducts[m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex()] = p;
// Update product in widget
m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItem(m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex())->setCaption(p.Name + L" [" + ToString(p.Quantity) + L" for $" + ToFixed(p.Price, 2) + L" each]");
else // Otherwise use dialog box mode
// Show product dialog box with product information, indicating it is existing product and "tag" equals to the product index in widget and products storage
ExecuteDialogBoxProduct(m_aProducts[m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex()], false, m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getActiveIndex());
method to the following.void CFormMain::ButtonDelete_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// Check if at least one product is selected
bool has_checked{ false };
for (int i = 0; i < m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount(); i++)
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItem(i)->isChecked())
has_checked = true;
// Only if there is at least one selected product
if (has_checked)
if (!Application->DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
if (FormConfirm->Execute(L"Are you sure you want to delete selected products?") == ModalResult::Ok) // If user click on "Yes" confirmation button
// Run through all products and delete them both from m_aProducts storage and widget
for (int i = m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->isChecked(i))
m_aProducts.erase(m_aProducts.begin() + i);
else // Otherwise use dialog box mode
// Show delete selected products confirmation dialog box with action indicating deleting selected products
ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(L"Are you sure you want to delete selected products?", ACTION_DELETE);
method to the following.void CFormMain::ButtonClear_OnClick(IControl *sender)
// If there are products
if (m_pCheckListBoxProducts->getItemCount() > 0)
if (!Application->DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
if (FormConfirm->Execute(L"Are you sure you want to delete information about all products?") == ModalResult::Ok) // If user click on "Yes" confirmation button
else // Otherwise use dialog box mode
// Show delete all products confirmation dialog box with action indicating deleting all products
ExecuteDialogBoxConfirm(L"Are you sure you want to delete information about all products?", ACTION_CLEAR);
As you can see we only added condition for checking which mode must be used and some code depending on the mode. It is not the best code of course it only demonstrates that form and dialog boxes, although they are very similar, can not be used sometimes in absolutely the same way and code should be a little different depending on mode. The main difference comes from the fact that in form mode ShowModal()
method waits until form closes but in dialog box mode it does not so in dialog box mode listener should be used.
If you compile and run project you will see that now product and confirmation forms are real forms.
To switch to dialog box mode we need to change value of DialogBoxes
property of application class. Lets do it. Change main.cpp file to following.
#include <Windows.h>
// Include file with platform application manager
#include "Platform/Core/Application.h"
// Include file with main form declaration
#include "FormMain.h"
// Include file with product form declaration
#include "FormProduct.h"
// Include file with confirmation form declaration
#include "FormConfirm.h"
// Tell the linker we want to link with the framework's core library. Mandatory
#pragma comment(lib, "Nitisa.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with the Standard package library as we use widgets from this package
// When we use widgets on the form from some package we should link our application with the library of that package
// Libraries for linking can also be specified in the project settings but we prefer doing this in this way as it is more informative
#pragma comment(lib, "Standard.lib")
// Tell the linker we want to link with platform-dependent code library. Required in most cases
#pragma comment(lib, "Platform.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") // Add linking with OpenGL library
// We need to change DialogBoxes property so we must create an application class derived from standard one
class CMyApplication :public nitisa::CApplication
CMyApplication() :
// We set property value to true in constructor
m_bDialogBoxes = true;
CMyApplication app; // Create application
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormMain); // Create our form. Having variable for it makes it possible to use "CreateForm" but it can also be created as usual with "new" operator
app.setMainForm(nitisa::app::FormMain); // Tell the application the form is the main form of the application
if (!app.DialogBoxes) // If regular form mode should be used
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormProduct); // Create product adding/editing form
app.CreateForm(&nitisa::app::FormConfirm); // Create product removing confirmation form
app.Run(); // Run application
return 0;
All we have done here is added new class CMyApplication
derived from standard CApplication
to change value which DialogBoxes
property has and declare/create app
variable in the WinMain()
function as CMyApplication app;
. So now which mode is being used by the application depends on what the DialogBoxes
of our application class CMyApplication
contains. Now it is in dialog box mode but if we want it to be in regular form mode we only need to change true to false.
As you can see with help of Form Builder you can use forms in either mode you like and even in both. Both dialog box and regular form mode have some advantages and disadvantages but they are not major and selection of each mode depends completely of your preferences and required layout of your application. You can find complete source code of this turorial in the Windows → Tutorials → DialogBox folder of the Nitisa solution. The project is called ProductManager. As most of the tutorials inside the Nitisa solution it can be used in Debug configuration with x86 platform.