
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Android platform only

Corresponding class for Windows platform is here.

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Implements renderer. This renderer support shader programs. Please find more information about them after the class decription.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CRenderer :public virtual IRenderer
        IWindow * getWindow() override;
        ITexture *getRenderTarget() override;
        Rect getViewport() override;
        Color getClearColor() override;
        TECHNOLOGY_TYPE getTechnology() const override; // Return ttOpenGL 
        Point getMinVersion() const override; // Return { 3, 1 } 
        Point getVersion() override;
        // Since 1.3.0 
        IShaderProgram *getShaderProgram() override;
        // Since 6.0.0 
        INativeGraphics *getNativeGraphics() override;  // Return instance of IOpenGLES interface 
        // Since 9.0.0 
        bool isWindowSupported(IWindow *window) override;
        bool setWindow(IWindow *value) override;
        bool setRenderTarget(ITexture *value) override;
        void setClearColor(const Color &value) override;
        // Since 1.3.0 
        bool setShaderProgram(IShaderProgram *value) override;
        IPlatformFont *FontCreate( // If font is not found, may create default one 
            const String &fontname, // Filename with path(to font directory in your apk) and extension. If not found, default one will be created 
            const int height,
            const FONT_WEIGHT weight, // Only fwNormal and fwBold are supported. Usually bold and normal(regular) versions of a font are located in different files 
            const bool italic, // Usually italiced font also have different fontname 
            const bool underline,
            const bool strikeout,
            const bool monospace) override;
        ITexture *TextureCreate(const int width, const int height, const AnsiString &format) override;
        ITexture *TextureCreate(const Bitmap &data) override;
        // Since 1.3.0 
        IShaderProgram *ShaderProgramCreate(const AnsiString &vertex, const AnsiString &fragment, const bool utils) override;
        IShaderProgram *ShaderProgramCreate(const AnsiString &fragment) override;
        void Release() override;
        bool DrawBegin(Rect &viewport) override;
        bool DrawEnd() override;
        bool Present() override;
        IRenderer *CreateInstance() override;
        bool PushMask(ITexture *mask, const Matrix &matrix) override;
        void PopMask() override;
        // Since 6.0.0 
        void RestoreState() override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        bool BeginSplineLimitation(const CUBIC_BEZIER_SPLINE &spline1, const CUBIC_BEZIER_SPLINE &spline2, const bool apply_to_y_direction) override;
        bool EndSplineLimitation() override;
        void Clear() override;
        void Clear(const Color &color) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Line(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Lines(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const bool loop, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Triangle(const PointF &p1, const PointF &p2, const PointF &p3, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Rectangle(const RectF &rect, const Color &c1, const Color &c2, const Color &c3, const Color &c4, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, 
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Gradient(const RectF &rect, nitisa::Gradient &g, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Image(ITexture *image, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Image(ITexture *image, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const PointF &p, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Image(ITexture *image, const RectF &part, const Matrix &m, const float transparency, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Block(const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors) override;
        void Block(const RectF &rect, const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Block(const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Block(const RectF &rect, const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Block(const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Block(const RectF &rect, const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Block(const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Block(const RectF &rect, const RectF &block, const RectF &border, const RectF &radius, const BlockColors &colors, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const PointF &p, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const PointF &p, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const PointF &p, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const PointF &p, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Text(const String &text, IPlatformFont *font, const float distance, const Color &color, const Matrix &m, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x,
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *image, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *target, ITexture *source, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type) override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        void Blur(ITexture *image, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *target, ITexture *source, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Blur(ITexture *image, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *target, ITexture *source, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *image, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Blur(ITexture *target, ITexture *source, const int radius, const BLUR_TYPE type, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
                ITexture *mask) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, 
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form,
            ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygon(const std::vector<PointF> &points, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, const unsigned int bitmask_y,
            const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        void Polygons(const std::vector<std::vector<PointF>> &polygons, const Matrix &m, const Color &color, const BLOCK *block, const unsigned int bitmask_x, 
            const unsigned int bitmask_y, const bool bitmask_form, ITexture *mask) override;
        virtual ~CRenderer();

Shader programs

There are couple of utility shader functions available. They allow to find out at which part of the block current pixel is.

int BlockPointLocation(vec2 p);
This function gets current pixel coordinates(which could be found in var_FormCoord variable if you created shader program using the second(with one argument, method) and returns integer indicating where point is. Possible results are: 0 - point is on left border, 1 - point is on top border, 2 - point is on right border, 3 - point is on bottom border, 4 - point is inside, 5 - point is outside. When you create complete custom shader(using the first method with 3 arguments) you should specifiy options described below to be able to use this function properly. Here they are.

  • vec4 app_BlockRect; Block rectangle
  • vec4 app_BlockBorder; Block border widths
  • vec4 app_BlockRadius; Block corner radiuses
  • vec2 app_BlockInnerEllipse[4]; Precalculated value. You can find how to calculate in in renderer implementation source code
  • vec2 app_BlockCornerCenter[4]; Precalculated value. You can find how to calculate in in renderer implementation source code
  • vec2 app_BlockOuterRCenter[4]; Precalculated value. You can find how to calculate in in renderer implementation source code
  • bvec4 app_BlockHasInner; Whether inner corner is round or sharp. You can find how to calculate in in renderer implementation source code

vec4 BlockPointColor(vec2 p);
This function gets current pixel coordinates and return corresponding color depending on where the pixel is of the block. The same conditions are applied to this function as they are for previous one. Additionaly it requires one more option to be specified.

  • vec4 app_BlockColors[6]; Colors for block parts

All this options are automatically added to your shader program if you created the program using method with one argument. If you would like to add this utilities to your extended shader program created by extended IRenderer::ShaderProgramCreate method, you have to set the last utils argument to true and also specify {utils} placeholder in your shader program text where the utilities should be injected.

When you create shader program using second creation method the source code should have this function
vec4 CalculateColor(vec2 tex_coord, vec2 form_coord, vec4 color);
It will be supplied with pixel texture coordinates, pixel form/render target coordinates, and interpolated color. The function should return final premultiplied color(red, green, and blue components should be multiplied by alpha; if you get color from texture, do not premultiply it because all textures have already premultiplied pixels). Also block and mask will be applied as well. Additionally in this case following option name should not be used: app_BlockPointLocation, app_Mask, app_MaskSize, app_FormToGL, app_Primitive, app_MaskInv.
The minimum shader language version should be #version 310 es.

Texture indices

This renderer uses following texture indices when performing drawing operations. Either avoid using them when activating textures for your custom shader programs or consider they may be changed during drawing operations described below.

  • 0 is used in drawing images, texts, and bluring(only 2D type) with IRenderer::Image, IRenderer::Text, IRenderer::Blur methods
  • 1, 2 are used in drawing gradients(only 2D type) with IRenderer::Gradient methods
  • 3 is used to perform masking(only 2D type) and can be used by all drawing methods


The renderer does not provide any checking of arguments validity. A caller is responsible for such a checking. If you use invalid argument in most cases nothing will be drawn. But in some case you may get fatal error. For example if you use nullptr instead of texture.

Namespace: nitisa::standard::android::gles
Include: Standard/Platform/Android/OpenGL/Renderer.h