
It is a base interface for standard grid controls.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

// Only one cell can be hovered at the same time. Only one cell can be active at the same time. Cells in disabled or fixed columns and rows cannot be activated as well as disabled cells itself 
class ICustomGrid :public virtual IControl
    // Events 
    void(*OnRenderCell)( // Called when cell should be rendered 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item, // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
        const Matrix &matrix, // Transform matrix to be applied when rendering cell 
        const BLOCK *block); // Clipping block to be applied when rendering cell 
    void(*OnHoverCell)( // Called when mouse pointer appears over the cell 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnLeaveCell)( // Called when mouse pointer leaves the cell 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnSelectCell)( // Called when cell becomes selected 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnDeselectCell)( // Called when cell becomes unselected 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnActivateCell)( // Called when cell becomes active 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnDeactivateCell)( // Called when cell becomes inactive 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnEnableCell)( // Called when cell becomes enabled 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnDisableCell)( // Called when cell becomes disabled 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item); // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
    void(*OnMouseDownCell)( // Called when mouse button was down over the cell 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item, // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
        const PointF &position, // Down position in control coordinates 
        const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, // Mouse button states 
        const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift); // Control key states 
    void(*OnMouseUpCell)( // Called when mouse button was release over the cell 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row,  // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item, // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr. Can be different from "down" event cell 
        const PointF &position, // Release position in control coordinates 
        const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, // Mouse button states 
        const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift); // Control key states 
    void(*OnMouseMoveCell)( // Called when mouse pointer is moving over the cell. Return true if repaint is required or false if not 
        ICustomGrid *sender, // Control where the event was triggered 
        const int column, const int row, // Cell coordinates 
        IListItem *item, // Assocciated item. Can be nullptr 
        const PointF &position, // New mouse pointer position 
        const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, // Mouse button states 
        const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, // Control key states 
        bool &repaint_required); // Set to true to call repaint the control 

    // Getters 
    virtual bool isMultiselect() = 0; // Return whether multiple cells can be selected at the same time 
    virtual int getColumns() = 0; // Return column count 
    virtual int getRows() = 0; // Return row count 
    virtual bool isCellEnabled(const int column, const int row) = 0; // Return whether the cell is enabled 
    virtual bool isCellHovered(const int column, const int row) = 0; // Return whether the cell is hovered 
    virtual bool isCellActive(const int column, const int row) = 0; // Return whether the cell is active 
    virtual bool isCellSelected(const int column, const int row) = 0; // Return whether the cell is selected 
    virtual bool isCellOverflowHidden(const int column, const int row) = 0; // Return whether the cell should not be drawn outside cell rectangle 
    virtual float getColumnWidth(const int index) = 0; // Return column width 
    virtual bool isColumnResizable(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the column is resizable 
    virtual bool isColumnAutosize(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the column width should be calculated automatically using cells assocciated item(if exists) 
    virtual bool isColumnEnabled(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the column is enabled 
    virtual bool isColumnFixed(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the column is fixed. If column is fixed, it can be scrolled only in Y-direction 
    virtual bool isColumnOverflowHidden(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the column cells should not be drawn outside cell rectangles. Can be overwritten by corresponding cell setting 
    virtual float getRowHeight(const int index) = 0; // Return row height 
    virtual bool isRowResizable(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the row is resizable 
    virtual bool isRowAutosize(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the row height should be calculated automatically using cells assocciated item(if exists) 
    virtual bool isRowEnabled(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the row is enabled 
    virtual bool isRowFixed(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the row is fixed. If row is fixed, it can be scrolled only in X-direction 
    virtual bool isRowOverflowHidden(const int index) = 0; // Return whether the row cells should not be drawn outside cell rectangles. Can be overwritten by corresponding cell setting 
    virtual Point getCellAtPosition( // Return coordinates(column and row) of found cell. If not found, return { -1, -1 }. Borders(right and bottom) are included into a cell 
        const PointF &position, // Coordinates in control space(in pixels) 
        const bool bound) = 0; // If bound is true and there are cells, the closest one will always be returned(for example with x = 0 if position.X is less than zero) 

    // Setters 
    virtual bool setMultiselect(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether multiple cells can be selected at the same time 
    virtual bool setColumns(const int value) = 0; // Set column count 
    virtual bool setRows(const int value) = 0; // Set row count 
    virtual bool setCellEnabled(const int column, const int row, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the cell is enabled 
    virtual bool setCellActive(const int column, const int row, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the cell is active 
    virtual bool setCellSelected(const int column, const int row, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the cell is selected 
    virtual bool setCellOverflowHidden(const int column, const int row, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the cell should not be drawn outside cell rectangle 
    virtual bool setColumnWidth(const int index, const float value) = 0; // Set column width 
    virtual bool setColumnResizable(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the column is resizable 
    virtual bool setColumnAutosize(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the column width should be calculated automatically using cells assocciated item(if exists) 
    virtual bool setColumnEnabled(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the column is enabled 
    virtual bool setColumnFixed(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the column is fixed. If column is fixed, it can be scrolled only in Y-direction 
    virtual bool setColumnOverflowHidden(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the column cells should not be drawn outside cell rectangles. Can be overwritten by corresponding cell setting 
    virtual bool setRowHeight(const int index, const float value) = 0; // Set row height 
    virtual bool setRowResizable(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the row is resizable 
    virtual bool setRowAutosize(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the row height should be calculated automatically using cells assocciated item(if exists) 
    virtual bool setRowEnabled(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the row is enabled 
    virtual bool setRowFixed(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the row is fixed. If row is fixed, it can be scrolled only in X-direction 
    virtual bool setRowOverflowHidden(const int index, const bool value) = 0; // Set whether the row cells should not be drawn outside cell rectangles. Can be overwritten by corresponding cell setting 

    // Helpers 
    virtual bool SelectAllCells() = 0; // Select all cells 
    virtual bool DeselectAllCells() = 0; // Unselect all selected cells 
    virtual bool DeleteColumn(const int index) = 0; // Delete specified column 
    virtual bool DeleteRow(const int index) = 0; // Delete specified row 
    virtual void LockUpdate() = 0; // Between this and next function any updates won't happen 
    virtual void UnlockUpdate() = 0; // Should be called the same time as LockUpdate() 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/IDrawGrid.h