
Describes minimum required functionality from TCPServer component.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class ITCPServer :public virtual IComponent
    class IUserData // User data 
        virtual void Release() = 0; // Delete itself 

    class IClient // Connected client information 
        virtual IClientSocket *getSocket() = 0; // Return IO handler 
        virtual IThread *getThread() = 0; // Return thread 
        virtual AnsiString getLocalIp() = 0; // Return local IP address 
        virtual AnsiString getRemoteIp() = 0; // Return remote IP address 
        virtual int getLocalPort() = 0; // Return local port 
        virtual int getRemotePort() = 0; // Return remote port 
        virtual IUserData * getUserData() = 0; // Return user data 

        virtual void setUserData(IUserData *value) = 0; // Set user data. Destroyed automatically 

        virtual bool Disconnect() = 0; // Disconnect 
    // Please note that all events are called NOT in main thread. You have to take care of syncronious access to resources 
    void(*OnConnect)(ITCPServer *sender, const AnsiString &ip, const int port, bool &accept); // Event called when client is about to be connected. To prevent connection you may set accept to false 
    void(*OnConnected)(ITCPServer *sender, IClient *client); // Event called when new client has just been connected 
    void(*OnServerError)(ITCPServer *sender, const ISocket::ERROR_TYPE error); // Event called when any error at server happend 
    void(*OnClientError)(ITCPServer *sender, IClient *client, const ISocket::ERROR_TYPE error); // Event called when any error at particular client happend 
    void(*OnClientDisconnect)(ITCPServer *sender, IClient *client); // Event called when client is disconnected 
    void(*OnClientDestroy)(ITCPServer *sender, IClient *client); // Event called when client is being destroyed 
    void(*OnClientHaveData)(ITCPServer *sender, IClient *client, bool &disconnect); // Event called when client has got data. Use it to perform IO operations. Set disconnect to true to disconnect client 

    virtual bool isActive() = 0; // Return whether the server is active or not 
    virtual int getPort() = 0; // Return server listening port 
    virtual float getTimeout() = 0; // Return IO operations timeout in seconds 
    virtual float getStopTimeout() = 0; // Return client waiting time when stopping the server. In seconds 
    virtual int getMaxConnectionCount() = 0; // Return maximum allowed connections to the TCP server. <=0 means no limits 
    virtual int getClientCount() = 0; // Return connected client count 
    virtual IClient *getClient(const int index) = 0; // Return client data by index 

    virtual bool setActive(const bool value) = 0; // Activate or diactivate server 
    virtual bool setPort(const int value) = 0; // Set listening port. If differs from current one, the server will be automatically stopped 
    virtual bool setTimeout(const float value) = 0; // Set IO operations timeout. Applys to new connections only 
    virtual bool setStopTimeout(const float value) = 0; // Set client stop waiting time on server stop 
    virtual bool setMaxConnectionCount(const int value) = 0; // Set maximum allowed connections. <=0 means no limits 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Components/ITCPServer.h