
Describes minimum required functionality from FormEditor widget.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IFormEditor :public virtual IControl
    void(*OnSelectControl)(IFormEditor *sender, IControl *control); // Event called on selection of control 
    void(*OnDeselectControl)(IFormEditor *sender, IControl *control); // Event called remove selection from control 
    void(*OnSelectComponent)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component); // Event called on selection of component 
    void(*OnDeselectComponent)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component); // Event called on remove selection from component 
    void(*OnCheckComponentAllowed)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component, bool &allowed); // Event called to check whether component is allowed to be managed 
    void(*OnComponentTransform)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component); // Event called on component transformation 
    void(*OnControlTransform)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component); // Event called on control transformation 
    void(*OnControlResize)(IFormEditor *sender, IComponent *component); // Event called on resizing of control 
    void(*OnMouseDown)(IFormEditor *sender, const MessageMouse &m, bool &processed); // Event called on mouse down 

    virtual bool isControlSelected(IControl *control) = 0; // Check whether specified control is selected 
    virtual bool isComponentSelected(IComponent *component) = 0; // Check whether specified component is selected 
    virtual PointF getComponentPosition(IComponent *component) = 0; // Return position of specified component 
    virtual PointF getControlPosition(IControl *control) = 0; // Return position of specified control 

    virtual bool setComponentPosition(IComponent *component, const PointF &value) = 0; // Set position of component 
    virtual bool setControlPosition(IControl *control, const PointF &value) = 0; // Set position of control 

    virtual bool SelectControl(IControl *control) = 0; // Select specified control 
    virtual bool SelectComponent(IComponent *component) = 0; // Select specified component 
    virtual bool SelectAllControls() = 0; // Select all controls 
    virtual bool SelectAllComponents() = 0; // Select all components 
    virtual bool SelectAll() = 0; // Select all controls and components 
    virtual bool DeselectControl(IControl *control) = 0; // Deselect specified control 
    virtual bool DeselectComponent(IComponent *component) = 0; // Deselect specified component 
    virtual bool DeselectAllControls() = 0; // Deselect all controls 
    virtual bool DeselectAllComponents() = 0; // Deselect all components 
    virtual bool DeselectAll() = 0; // Deselect all controls and components 
    virtual bool DeleteSelected() = 0; // Delete selected controls and components 
Namespace: nitisa::ide
Include: Ide/Controls/IFormEditor.h