
Implements EventEditor widget.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CEventEditor :public virtual IEventEditor, public CControl
    enum EVENT_STATE // Describe event states 
        esNormal, // Normal 
        esHovered, // Event is hovered 
        esFocused // Event is focused 
    CURSOR_TYPE getCursor() override;

    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    int getEventListCount() override;
    IEventList *getEventList(const int index) override;
    int getEventCount() override;
    IEvent *getEvent(const int index) override;
    int getActiveEventIndex() override;

    bool AttachEventList(IEventList *list) override;
    bool DetachEventList(const int index) override;
    bool DetachEventList(IEventList *list) override;
    bool DetachEventLists() override;

    CEventEditor(IForm *parent);
    CEventEditor(IControl *parent);

    IBuiltInScroll *getScroll(); // Return scroll 
    RectF getBorderWidth() const; // Return border width 
    RectC getBorderColor() const; // Return border color 
    Color getLeftBorderColor() const; // Return left border color 
    Color getTopBorderColor() const; // Return top border color 
    Color getRightBorderColor() const; // Return right border color 
    Color getBottomBorderColor() const; // Return bottom border color 
    Color getBackgroundColor() const; // Return background color 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(); // Return background gradient 
    float getCaptionWidth() const; // Return caption width in parts of control width(0..1) 
    float getCaptionPadding() const; // Return caption padding 
    Color getCaptionColor(const EVENT_STATE state) const; // Return caption color depending on state 
    float getCaptionBorderWidth(const EVENT_STATE state) const; // Return caption border width depending on state 
    Color getCaptionBorderColor(const EVENT_STATE state) const; // Return caption border color depending on state 
    Color getCaptionBackgroundColor(const EVENT_STATE state) const; // Return caption background color depending on state 
    Gradient *getCaptionBackgroundGradient(const EVENT_STATE state); // Return caption background gradient depending on state 
    float getCaptionSeparatorWidth() const; // Return caption separator width 
    Color getCaptionSeparatorColor() const; // Return caption separator color 
    Gradient *getCaptionSeparatorGradient(); // Return caption separator gradient 

    bool setScroll(IBuiltInScroll *value); // Set scroll 
    bool setBorderWidth(const RectF &value); // Set border width 
    bool setBorderColor(const RectC &value); // Set border color 
    bool setLeftBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set left border color 
    bool setTopBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set top border color 
    bool setRightBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set right border color 
    bool setBottomBorderColor(const Color &value); // Set bottom border color 
    bool setBackgroundColor(const Color &value); // Set background color 
    bool setCaptionWidth(const float value); // Set caption width in parts of control width(0..1) 
    bool setCaptionPadding(const float value); // Set caption padding 
    bool setCaptionColor(const EVENT_STATE state, const Color &value); // Set caption color depending on state 
    bool setCaptionBorderWidth(const EVENT_STATE state, const float value); // Set caption border width depending on state 
    bool setCaptionBorderColor(const EVENT_STATE state, const Color &value); // Set caption border color depending on state 
    bool setCaptionBackgroundColor(const EVENT_STATE state, const Color &value); // Set caption background color depending on state 
    bool setCaptionSeparatorWidth(const float value); // Set caption separator width 
    bool setCaptionSeparatorColor(const Color &value); // Set caption separator color 
Namespace: nitisa::ide
Include: Ide/Controls/EventEditor/EventEditor.h