
Describes minimum required functionality for a control which works like form.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IDialogBox :public virtual IControl
    // Events
    void(*OnDestroy)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when control is about to be destroyed
    void(*OnClose)(IDialogBox *sender, CloseAction &action); // Event called when user tries to close the control. Action could be changed to prevent default behaviour
    void(*OnRestore)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when control has been restored
    void(*OnMinimize)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when control has been minimized
    void(*OnMaximize)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when control has been maximized
    void(*OnSetActive)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when the control has became active dialog box
    void(*OnKillActive)(IDialogBox *sender); // Event called when the control has lost active dialog box state

    // Getters
    virtual IDialogBoxListener *getListener() = 0; // Return assigned listener
    virtual Color getBackgroundColor() = 0; // Return background color
    virtual String getCaption() = 0; // Return caption
    virtual Point getClientSize() = 0; // Return client area size
    virtual int getClientWidth() = 0; // Return client area width
    virtual int getClientHeight() = 0; // Return client area height
    virtual WindowState getState() = 0; // Return state
    virtual WindowPosition getWindowPosition() = 0; // Return dialog box position set by Show() and ShowModal() methods
    virtual RectF getBorderWidth() = 0; // Return border width which is used only when aligning controls. By default {0, 0, 0, 0}. Borders space could be used to draw custom borders and caption area
    virtual bool hasCloseBox() = 0; // Return whether control can be closed
    virtual bool hasMaximizeBox() = 0; // Return whether control has minimize button
    virtual bool hasMinimizeBox() = 0; // Return whether control has maximize button
    virtual bool hasSizeBox() = 0; // Return whether control can be resized
    virtual bool hasSystemMenu() = 0; // Return whether control has system menu or at least an icon
    virtual bool hasBorder() = 0; // Return whether control has border
    virtual bool hasCaption() = 0; // Return whether control has caption
    virtual bool isPopup() = 0; // Return whether control is popup one(has no border, caption, system menu)
    virtual ModalResult getModalResult() = 0; // Return modal result. mrNone by default
    virtual bool isActiveDialogBox() = 0; // Return whether this dialog box is active on form or not
    virtual bool hasComponent(IComponent *component) = 0; // Return whether component belongs to dialog box

    // Setters
    virtual void setListener(IDialogBoxListener *value) = 0; // Assign listener
    virtual bool setBackgroundColor(const Color &value) = 0; // Set background color
    virtual bool setCaption(const String &value) = 0; // Set caption
    virtual bool setClientSize(const Point &value) = 0; // Set client area size
    virtual bool setState(const WindowState value) = 0; // Set state
    virtual bool setWindowPosition(const WindowPosition value) = 0; // Set dialog box position which will be set by Show() and ShowModal() methods
    virtual bool setBorderWidth(const RectF &value) = 0; // Set border width. Used in alignment. Border could be used for drawing custom borders and caption area. When you add control which customizes borders and caption area it sets this property
    virtual bool setHasCloseBox(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control can be closed
    virtual bool setHasMaximizeBox(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control has minimize button
    virtual bool setHasMinimizeBox(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control has maximize button
    virtual bool setHasSizeBox(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control can be resized
    virtual bool setHasSystemMenu(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control has system menu or at least an icon
    virtual bool setHasBorder(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control has border
    virtual bool setHasCaption(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control has caption
    virtual bool setIsPopup(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control is popup one(has no border, caption, system menu)
    virtual bool setModalResult(const ModalResult value) = 0; // Set modal result and call Close

    // Actions
    virtual bool Show() = 0; // Show
    virtual bool ShowModal() = 0; // Show and set as modal control
    virtual bool Hide() = 0; // Hide
    virtual bool Maximize() = 0; // Maximize
    virtual bool Minimize() = 0; // Minimize
    virtual bool Restore() = 0; // Restore
    virtual bool Close() = 0; // Close(action depends on OnClose event, hide by default)
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IDialogBox.h