
Provides minimum required functionality description for the built-in multiline text editing control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IBuiltInTextArea :public virtual IBuiltInControl
    virtual String getText() = 0; // Return text 
    virtual String getSelectedText() = 0; // Return selected part of the text 
    virtual Point getSelection() = 0; // Return selection start and end 
    virtual int getCaretPosition() = 0; // Return caret position(in character index) 
    virtual PointF getScroll() = 0; // Return scroll 
    virtual int getMaxLength() = 0; // Return maximum allowed length of the text 
    virtual int getUndoLimitCount() = 0; // Return maximum allowed undo count 
    virtual int getUndoLimitSize() = 0; // Return maximum allowed memory to be used to store text changes history 
    virtual bool canUndo() = 0; // Whether undo operation is possible 
    virtual bool canRedo() = 0; // Whether redo operation is possible 
    virtual TEXT_ALIGN getAlign() = 0; // Return text horizontal alignment 
    virtual PointB getScrollRequired(const PointF &size) = 0; // Return whether scrollbars are required for specified size of the control 
    virtual PointF getTextSize() = 0; // Return text size 
    virtual PointF getXScrollRange() = 0; // Return range for the horizontal scroll 
    virtual PointF getYScrollRange() = 0; // Return range for the vertical scroll 
    virtual bool isWordWrap() = 0; // If true, text will be inside [0, width) area, if false long text will be out of the range 
    virtual bool isWordBreak() = 0; // If true words will be breaked immediately, if false - only via separators between them or only if word too long to fit width of textarea 
    virtual bool isMoving() = 0; // Whether mouse button was down inside selection 
    // Since 3.0.0 
    virtual int getLineCount() = 0; // Return line count 
    virtual String getLine(const int index) = 0; // Return line by index 
    // Since 6.2.1 
    virtual bool hasSelection() = 0; // Return whether there is selected text 

    virtual bool setText(String value) = 0; // Set text 
    virtual bool setSelection(const Point &value) = 0; // Set selection 
    virtual bool setCaretPosition(const int value) = 0; // Set caret position 
    virtual bool setScroll(const PointF &value) = 0; // Set scroll 
    virtual bool setMaxLength(const int value) = 0; // Set maximum allowed length of the text 
    virtual bool setUndoLimitCount(const int value) = 0; // Set maximum allowed undo operations 
    virtual bool setUndoLimitSize(const int value) = 0; // Set maximum allowed size of memory used to store text changes history 
    virtual bool setAlign(const TEXT_ALIGN value) = 0; // Set text horizontal alignment 
    virtual bool setWordWrap(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether to wrap long lines 
    virtual bool setWordBreak(const bool value) = 0; // Set how to break works in long lines 
    // Since 3.0.0 
    virtual bool setLine(const int index, const String &value) = 0; // Set line by index 

    virtual bool DeleteSelection() = 0; // Delete selected text 
    virtual bool DeleteCharBeforeCaret() = 0; // Delete 1 charachet before caret 
    virtual bool DeleteCharAfterCaret() = 0; // Delete 1 character after caret 
    virtual bool DeleteWordBeforeCaret() = 0; // Delete word before caret 
    virtual bool DeleteWordAfterCaret() = 0; // Delete word after caret 
    virtual bool DeleteToLineStart() = 0; // Delete all to the beginning of line where caret is 
    virtual bool DeleteToLineEnd() = 0; // Delete all to the end on line where caret is 
    virtual bool DeleteAllBeforeCaret() = 0; // Delete all up to text start before caret 
    virtual bool DeleteAllAfterCaret() = 0; // Delete all up to text length after caret 
    virtual bool MoveCaretLeft(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret 1 character left and optionally select it 
    virtual bool MoveCaretRight(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret 1 character right and optinally select it 
    virtual bool MoveCaretWordLeft(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret word left and optionally select it 
    virtual bool MoveCaretWordRight(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret word right and optionally select it 
    virtual bool MoveCaretLineStart(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to line start and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretLineEnd(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to line end and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretLineUp(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret 1 line up and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretLineDown(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret 1 line down and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretPageStart(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to page start and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretPageEnd(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to page end and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretPageUp(const bool select) = 0; // Move cate 1 page up and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretPageDown(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret 1 page down and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretStart(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to text start and optionally select text 
    virtual bool MoveCaretEnd(const bool select) = 0; // Move caret to text end and optionally select text 
    virtual bool Undo(bool &text_changed) = 0; // Undo last change 
    virtual bool Redo(bool &text_changed) = 0; // Redo last change 
    virtual bool Insert(const wchar_t chr) = 0; // Insert character at current caret position. Selection will be deleted 
    virtual bool Insert(String str) = 0; // Insert string at current caret position. Selection will be deleted 
    virtual bool Replace(const wchar_t chr) = 0; // Replace selection with specified character  
    virtual bool Replace(String str) = 0; // Replace selection with specifed string 
    virtual bool MoveSelection(const int dst_caret_pos) = 0; // Move selection to specified position 
    virtual bool CopySelection(const int dst_caret_pos) = 0; // Copy selection to specified position 
    virtual bool ScrollToCaret() = 0; // Scroll to current caret position 
    virtual bool ScrollLineUp() = 0; // Scroll 1 line up 
    virtual bool ScrollLineDown() = 0; // Scroll 1 line down 
    virtual bool Copy() = 0; // Copy selection to clipboard 
    virtual bool Cut() = 0; // Cut selection to cipboard 
    virtual bool Paste() = 0; // Paste from clipboard at current caret position. Selection will be deleted 
    virtual bool SelectAll() = 0; // Select all text 
    virtual bool DeselectAll() = 0; // Any selected text become unselected 
    // Since 3.0.0 
    virtual bool AddLine(const String &text) = 0; // Add text to the end 
    virtual bool DeleteLine(const int index) = 0; // Delete line by index 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/BuiltInControls/IBuiltInTextArea.h