
This object has been removed in version 8.0.0. Use Windows OpenGL Renderer instead.

This class is available on Windows platform only

Implements platform font for GDI renderer.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CPlatformFont :public virtual CSoftwarePlatformFont, public CBasePlatformFont
        CHAR *CreateChar(const wchar_t chr) override;
        IRenderer *getRenderer() override;

        CPlatformFont(CRenderer *renderer, HFONT handle, const String &fontname, const int height, const FONT_WEIGHT weight, const bool italic, const bool underline, const bool strikeout, const Point character_size); // Create with specified information 
        ~CPlatformFont() override;

        CSoftwareTextureR *getTexture() override;

        CHAR *getChar(const wchar_t chr) override;
Namespace: nitisa::standard::windows::gdi
Include: Standard/Platform/Windows/GDI/PlatformFont.h