
Implements TrackBar control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CTrackBar :public virtual ITrackBar, public CControl
    enum TRACKER_STYLE // Tracker styles 
        tsDown, // Point down 
        tsUp, // Point up 
        tsBoth // Not directional 

    enum STATE // Control and tracker states 
        stNormal, // Normal 
        stHovered, // Mouse pointer is over the control/tracker 
        stFocused, // Control is focused 
        stFocusedHovered, // Control is focused and mouse pointer is over the control/tracker 
        stActive, // Control is in mouse button down state 
        stActiveHovered, // Control is in mouse button down state and mouse pointer is over the control/tracker 
        stDisabled // Disabled 
    // IControl getters 
    RectF getRenderRect() override;

    // IControl setters 
    bool setDPI(const Point &value) override;

    // IControl methods 
    void Refresh(const bool refresh_children) override;

    // ITrackBar getters 
    int getMin() override;
    int getMax() override;
    int getValue() override;

    // ITrackBar setters 
    bool setMin(const int value) override;
    bool setMax(const int value) override;
    bool setValue(const int value) override;

    CTrackBar(IForm *parent);
    CTrackBar(IControl *parent);

    // Getters 
    STATE getState(); // Return current state 
    TRACKER_STYLE getTrackerStyle() const; // Return tracker style 
    RectF getBackPadding(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return back part padding 
    float getBackMargin(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return distance from back part to ticks 
    PointF getTickSize(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return regular tick size 
    PointF getBigTickSize(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return big tick size 
    PointF getTrackerPadding(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return tracker padding 
    float getTrackerWidth(const TRACKER_STYLE style) const; // Return tracker width 
    int getTickInterval() const; // Return interval of ticks to be drawn(<= 0 - no ticks will be drawn) 
    int getBigTickInterval() const; // Return interval of big tick(in count of small ones) 
    RectF getBorderWidth(const STATE state) const; // Return control border widths 
    RectF getBorderRadius(const STATE state) const; // Return control corner radiuses 
    RectC getBorderColor(const STATE state) const; // Return control border colors 
    Color getBackgroundColor(const STATE state) const; // Return control background color 
    Gradient *getBackgroundGradient(const STATE state); // Return control background gradient 
    int getShadowRadius(const STATE state) const; // Return control shadow radius 
    PointF getShadowShift(const STATE state) const; // Return control shadow shift 
    Color getShadowColor(const STATE state) const; // Return control shadow color 
    RectF getBackBorderWidth(const STATE state) const; // Return back part border widths 
    RectF getBackBorderRadius(const STATE state) const; // Return back part corner radiuses 
    RectC getBackBorderColor(const STATE state) const; // Return back part border colors 
    Color getBackBackgroundColor(const STATE state) const; // Return back part background color 
    Gradient *getBackBackgroundGradient(const STATE state); // Return back part background gradient 
    RectF getTrackerBorderWidth(const STATE state) const; // Return tracker border widths 
    RectF getTrackerBorderRadius(const STATE state) const; // Return tracker corner radiuses 
    RectC getTrackerBorderColor(const STATE state) const; // Return tracker border colors 
    Color getTrackerBackgroundColor(const STATE state) const; // Return tracker background color 
    Gradient *getTrackerBackgroundGradient(const STATE state); // Return tracker background gradient 
    Color getTickColor(const STATE state) const; // Return regular tick color 
    Color getBigTickColor(const STATE state) const; // Return big tick color 
    Color getOutlineColor(const STATE state) const; // Return outline color 
    unsigned int getOutlineMask(const STATE state) const; // Return outline binary mask 

    // Setters 
    bool setTrackerStyle(const TRACKER_STYLE value); // Set tracker style 
    bool setBackPadding(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const RectF &value); // Set back part padding 
    bool setBackMargin(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const float value); // Set distance from back part to ticks 
    bool setTickSize(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const PointF &value); // Set regular tick size 
    bool setBigTickSize(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const PointF &value); // Set big tick size 
    bool setTrackerPadding(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const PointF &value); // Set tracker padding 
    bool setTrackerWidth(const TRACKER_STYLE style, const float value); // Set tracker width 
    bool setTickInterval(const int value); // Set interval of ticks to be drawn(<= 0 - no ticks will be drawn) 
    bool setBigTickInterval(const int value); // Set interval of big tick(in count of small ones) 
    bool setBorderWidth(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set control border widths 
    bool setBorderRadius(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set control corner radiuses 
    bool setBorderColor(const STATE state, const RectC &value); // Set control border colors 
    bool setBackgroundColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set control background color 
    bool setShadowRadius(const STATE state, const int value); // Set control shadow radius 
    bool setShadowShift(const STATE state, const PointF &value); // Set control shadow shift 
    bool setShadowColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set control shadow color 
    bool setBackBorderWidth(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set back part border widths 
    bool setBackBorderRadius(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set back part corner radiuses 
    bool setBackBorderColor(const STATE state, const RectC &value); // Set back part border colors 
    bool setBackBackgroundColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set back part background color 
    bool setTrackerBorderWidth(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set tracker border widths 
    bool setTrackerBorderRadius(const STATE state, const RectF &value); // Set tracker corner radiuses 
    bool setTrackerBorderColor(const STATE state, const RectC &value); // Set tracker border colors 
    bool setTrackerBackgroundColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set tracker background color 
    bool setTickColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set regular tick color 
    bool setBigTickColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set big tick color 
    bool setOutlineColor(const STATE state, const Color &value); // Set outline color 
    bool setOutlineMask(const STATE state, const unsigned int value); // Set outline binary mask 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/TrackBar/TrackBar.h