
Implements TabSheet control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CTabSheet :public virtual ITabSheet, public CControl
    IControl *getControl(const int index) override;
    IControl *getControl(const String &name) override;
    IControl *getControl(const PointF &position) override;

    IPageControl *getPageControl() override;
    int getIndex() override;
    bool isActive() override;
    bool isAcceptControl(IControl *control = nullptr) override;
    String getCaption() override;

    bool setParent(IControl *value) override;
    bool setAlign(const ALIGN value) override;
    bool setConstraints(const RectF &value) override;
    bool setSize(const PointF &value) override;
    bool setZIndex(const int value) override;
    bool setCaption(const String &value) override;

    bool BringToFront() override;
    bool BringUp() override;
    bool BringDown() override;
    bool BringBefore(IControl *control) override;
    bool BringBefore(const int index) override;
    bool BringAfter(IControl *control) override;
    bool BringAfter(const int index) override;

    CTabSheet(IPageControl *parent);

    int getIconIndex() const; // Return icon index 

    bool setIconIndex(const int value); // Set icon index 
Namespace: nitisa::standard
Include: Standard/Controls/PageControl/TabSheet.h