
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Windows platform only

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Corresponding class for Android platform is here.

Implements platform/system window management class for Windows platform.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CWindow :public virtual IWindow
        bool isCreated() override;
        bool isVisible() override;
        bool isEnabled() override;
        bool isAcceptDragAndDrop() override;
        bool isAcceptDropFiles() override;
        String getCaption() override;
        Rect getRect() override;
        Point getSize() override;
        Point getPosition() override;
        int getLeft() override;
        int getTop() override;
        int getWidth() override;
        int getHeight() override;
        Rect getClientRect() override;
        Point getClientSize() override;
        int getClientWidth() override;
        int getClientHeight() override;
        WINDOW_STATE getState() override;
        CREATE_PARAMS getCreateParams() override;
        IWindow *getParent() override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        bool hasProgressBar() override;
        bool setCaption(const String &value) override;
        bool setVisible(const bool value) override;
        bool setEnabled(const bool value) override;
        bool setAcceptDrawAndDrop(const bool value) override;
        bool setAcceptDropFiles(const bool value) override;
        bool setRect(const Rect &value) override;
        bool setSize(const Point &value) override;
        bool setPosition(const Point &value) override;
        bool setLeft(const int value) override;
        bool setTop(const int value) override;
        bool setWidth(const int value) override;
        bool setHeight(const int value) override;
        bool setClientSize(const Point &value) override;
        bool setCursor(const CURSOR_TYPE value) override;
        bool setState(const WINDOW_STATE value) override;
        bool setCreateParams(const CREATE_PARAMS &value) override;
        bool setParent(IWindow *value) override;
        bool setModalResult(const MODAL_RESULT value) override;
        bool setWindowPosition(const WINDOW_POSITION value) override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        bool setProgressType(const WINDOW_PROGRESS_TYPE value) override;
        bool setProgressValue(const float value) override;
        bool Show() override;
        MODAL_RESULT ShowModal() override;
        bool Hide() override;
        bool Create() override;
        bool Create(IWindow *parent) override;
        bool Create(const CREATE_PARAMS ¶ms) override;
        bool Create(const CREATE_PARAMS ¶ms, IWindow *parent) override;
        int CreateTimer(void(*callback)(void *param), void *param, const float interval) override;
        bool DeleteTimer(const int id) override;
        void DeleteTimers() override;
        bool ResetTimer(const int id, const float interval) override;
        bool CaptureMouse() override;
        void ReleaseMouseCapture() override;
        bool Maximize() override;
        bool Minimize() override;
        bool Restore() override;
        bool CopyStringToClipboard(const String &str) override;
        bool CopyStringFromClipboard() override;
        Rect ScreenToClient(const Rect &rect) override;
        Point ScreenToClient(const Point &pos) override;
        Rect ClientToScreen(const Rect &rect) override;
        Point ClientToScreen(const Point &pos) override;
        void Release() override;
        IWindow *CreateInstance() override;
        IWindowService *QueryService() override;
        // Since 3.0.0 
        bool Close() override;
        // Since 7.0.0 
        int GenerateID() override;
        CWindow(void *parent); // Since 7.0.0 
        virtual ~CWindow();
        static KEY VirtualToKey(const int value); // Convert from virtual key code to KEY enumeration 
        static int KeyToVirtual(const KEY value); // Convert from KEY enumeration to virtual key code 
        void *getPlatformData(); // Return pointer to PT_WINDOW structure holding platform dependent data of the window 
Namespace: nitisa::standard::windows
Include: Standard/Platform/Windows/Window.h