
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Windows platform only

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Corresponding class for Android platform is here.

Implementation of the IDialogs interface for Windows platform.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CDialogs :public virtual IDialogs
        // Messages 
        bool Message(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Message") override;
        bool Warning(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Warning") override;
        bool Information(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Information") override;
        bool Question(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Question") override;
        bool Error(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Error") override;
        MODAL_RESULT Confirm(const String &message, const String &caption = L"Confirm") override;
        // Dialogs 
        bool Open(const String &filter, const int filter_index, String &filename, const bool multiselect, const bool create_prompt, const bool must_exists, const bool show_hidden,
            const bool hide_readonly, const bool no_network) override;
        bool Save(const String &filter, const int filter_index, String &filename, const String &default_extension, const bool create_prompt, const bool must_exists,
            const bool show_hidden, const bool hide_readonly, const bool no_network, const bool overwrite_prompt) override;
        bool Font(String &name, int &height, FONT_WEIGHT &weight, bool &italic, bool &underline, bool &strikeout, nitisa::Color &color) override;
        bool Color(const bool any_color, const bool full_open, const bool prevent_full_open, const bool only_solid_colors, nitisa::Color &color) override;
        bool PageSetup(const bool disable_margins, const bool disable_orientation, const bool disable_page_painting, const bool disable_paper, const bool no_network_button, const RectF &min_margins, String &device_name, RectF &margins, bool &landscape, PRINT_PAPER_SIZE &paper_size, float &paper_length, float &paper_width, float &scale, int &copies, PRINT_PAPER_SOURCE &paper_source, PRINT_QUALITY &print_quality, bool &monochrome, PRINT_DUPLEX &duplex, PRINT_TT_OPTION &tt_option, bool &collate, PRINT_MEDIA_TYPE &media_type, PRINT_DITHER_TYPE &dither_type, PointF &size) override;
        PRINT_DIALOG_RESULT Print(const bool select_collate, const bool select_current_page, const bool disable_print_to_file, const bool hide_print_to_file, const bool disable_current_page, const bool no_page_nums, const bool no_selection, const bool select_page_nums, const bool select_print_to_file, const bool select_selection, const int min_page, const int max_page, const int max_page_range_count, int &page_range_count, Point *page_ranges, int &copies, String &device_name, bool &landscape, PRINT_PAPER_SIZE &paper_size, float &paper_length, float &paper_width, float &scale, PRINT_PAPER_SOURCE &paper_source, PRINT_QUALITY &print_quality, bool &monochrome, PRINT_DUPLEX &duplex, PRINT_TT_OPTION &tt_option, bool &collate, PRINT_MEDIA_TYPE &media_type, PRINT_DITHER_TYPE &dither_type, void **handle) override;
        bool BrowseFolder(String &folder, const String &title, const bool only_file_system, const bool no_network, const bool only_ancestors, const bool show_edit_box, const bool new_style,
            const bool show_hint, const bool hide_new_folder, const bool dont_translate_targets, const bool only_computers, const bool only_printers, const bool show_files,
            const bool show_shareable) override;
        CDialogs(CApplication *application);
Namespace: nitisa::standard::windows
Include: Standard/Platform/Windows/Dialogs.h