
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Android platform only

Corresponding class for Windows platform is here.

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Implementation of the IThread interface for Android platform.

This class should not be used alone. The instance of this class is created by the Application->CreateThread() method which is used to create new thread. See IApplication to find out about CreateThread() arguments and result type.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CThread :public virtual IThread
        bool isCreated() override; // Always return true 
        bool isTerminated() override;
        bool isPaused() override;
        THREAD_PRIORITY getPriority() override; // Always return tpNormal 
        IThreadListener *getListener() override;
        bool setPriority(const THREAD_PRIORITY value) override; // Not supported 
        void Release() override;
        bool Terminate() override;
        bool Pause() override; // Not supported 
        bool Resume() override; // Can be called only ones if thread was created in paused mode 
        bool Wait(const float interval) override;
        CThread(const bool paused, IThreadListener *listener); // "listener" is required 
        virtual ~CThread();
Namespace: nitisa::standard::android
Include: Standard/Platform/Android/Thread.h