This template implements multi layer perceptron (MLP) or multi layerded neural network with fully connected hidden layers using back propagation learning algorithm(or stohastic gradient descent to be more precisely). You can find more information about using this template in the programming guide article about Artificial Intelligence module.
You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class.
template<class FLOAT>
class TPerceptron
TPerceptron() = default;
// Required parameters
IActivator<FLOAT> *activator, // Hidden layers activation function
IActivator<FLOAT> *activator_output, // Output layer activation function
IErrorFunction<FLOAT> *error_function, // Error function
const size_type feature_count, // Feature/Input count
const size_type output_count, // Output/Class count
const std::initializer_list<size_type> &hidden_layers, // Number of neurons in hidden layers
// Optional parameters
IRandomizer<FLOAT> *randomizer = nullptr, // Randomization function. If empty, weights will be initialized with gauss random distribution with mean = 0 and sigma = 1 / sqrt(weight_count). The same for bias except the sigma is 1
IRegularizeFunction<FLOAT> *regularize_function = nullptr, // Regularization function
const size_type batch_size = 10, // Learning batch size for Stohastic Gradient Descent. Min = 1 for online learning
const FLOAT learn_rate = 0.03, // Learning rate
const FLOAT regularize_rate = 0, // Regularization rate. Used when regularization function is not empty
const FLOAT momentum_rate = 0 // Momentum rate
bool isValid() const; // Return true if net is valid
bool isLearning() const; // Return whether the net is in learning mode
size_type getBatchSize(); const // Return batch size
FLOAT getLearnRate() const; // Return learning rate
FLOAT getRegularizeRate() const; // Return regularize rate
FLOAT getMomentumRate() const; // Return momentum rate
size_type getInputCount() const; // Return input/feature count(number of neurons in input layer)
FLOAT getInput(const size_type index); const // Return input value
size_type getOutputCount() const; // Return output/class count(number of neurons in output layer)
FLOAT getOutput(const size_type index) const; // Return output
size_type getLayerCount() const; // Return layer count
size_type getNeuronCount(const size_type layer) const; // Return neuron count in specified layer
FLOAT getNeuronBias(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return bias value of specified neuron
FLOAT getNeuronAmount(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return neuron weighted sum
FLOAT getNeuronOutput(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return neuron output(result of applying an activation function to weighted sum of the neuron)
IActivator<FLOAT> *getNeuronActivator(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return activation function of specified neuron
FLOAT getNeuronAccumulatedInputDerivative(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return accumulated input derivative of specified neuron
size_type getNeuronAccumulatedInputDerivativeCount(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return accumulated input derivative count of specified neuron
bool getNeuronState(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, FLOAT &bias, FLOAT &amount, FLOAT &output) const; // Return specified neuron bias, weighted sum, and output
size_type getWeightCount(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron) const; // Return weight count of specified neuron
FLOAT getWeight(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight) const; // Return specified weight
FLOAT getWeightAccumulatedErrorDerivative(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight) const; // Return accumulated error derivative of specified weight
size_type getWeightAccumulatedErrorDerivativeCount(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight) const; // Return accumulated error derivative count of specified weight
bool isWeightDead(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight) const; // Return whether specified weight is not active
bool setLearning(const bool value); // Set leraning mode
bool setBatchSize(const size_type value); // Set batch size
bool setLearnRate(const FLOAT value); // Set learning rate
bool setRegularizeRate(const FLOAT value); // Set regularization rate
bool setMomentumRate(const FLOAT value); // Set momentum rate
bool setInput(const size_type index, const FLOAT value); // Set input value
bool setLayerActivator(const size_type layer, IActivator<FLOAT> *value); // Set activation function to entire layer
bool setNeuronBias(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const FLOAT value); // Set specified neuron bias
bool setNeuronActivator(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, IActivator<FLOAT> *value); // Set specified neuron activation function
bool setWeight(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight, const FLOAT value); // Set sepcified weight value
bool setWeightDead(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, const size_type weight, const bool value); // Enable/disable specified weight
void ResetBatch(); // Reset current batch counter
bool Randomize(IRandomizer<FLOAT> *randomizer); // Initialize weights and biases of neurons using specified randomizer
bool RandomizeLayer(const size_type layer, IRandomizer<FLOAT> *randomizer); // Initialize weights and biases of neurons of specified layer using specified randomizer
bool RandomizeNeuron(const size_type layer, const size_type neuron, IRandomizer<FLOAT> *randomizer); // Initialize weights and biase of specified neurons using specified randomizer
bool Forward(const std::vector<FLOAT> &inputs); // Forward step
bool Backward(const std::vector<FLOAT> &expected_output); // Backward step
bool UpdateWeights(); // Update weights(learn)
bool Simulate(const std::vector<FLOAT> &inputs, const std::vector<FLOAT> &expected_output); // Main processing method. Perform forward, backward, and update weights(if needed).
FLOAT Loss(const std::vector<FLOAT> &inputs, const std::vector<FLOAT> &expected_output); // Calculate error
Namespace: | nitisa::ai |
Include: | Nitisa/Modules/AI/Perceptron.h |