
Describes service for a control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

// Usually notifications does not require any action, but if you change any property in it, don't forget to do all corresponding actions like control aligning, modal/active/focused/hovered/capture control update, send notifications and so on. Also don't send notifications recursively in methods of this interface because they can be already called recursively by parent. Send recursive notification in place where it was required(like control or form implementation)
class IControlService :public virtual IComponentService
    // Getters
    virtual PointF getSizeRequested() = 0; // Return requested size(the size was passed to setSize() without alignment & constraints applied). Real size returned by control's getSize could be different due to constraints and alignment

    // Setters
    virtual void setParent(IControl *value) = 0; // Should only set specified parent pointer, no other changes should be done, operation should be always successfull
    virtual void setTabOrder(const int value) = 0; // Should only set specified tab order, no other changes should be done, operation should be always successfull
    virtual void setSize(const PointF &value) = 0; // Should only set specified size, no other changes should be done, operation should be always successfull

    // Helpers
    virtual void AdjustSize() = 0; // Should adjust size by constraints, align child controls and send notifications if size was changed
    virtual bool MoveControl(IControl *control, const int before) = 0; // Change control order in list. Index should be in range 0..ControlCount, control should be child and it's index should not be equal to index. Should return true only if control was moved
    virtual void AlignControls() = 0; // Recalculate child controls sizes and positions depending on their alignment
    virtual void InsertControl(IControl *control, const int before) = 0; // Should add control to list before specified index or to the end without any checks and other operations

    // Notifications from parent control
    virtual void NotifyOnParentStyleChange() = 0; // Called when parent control/form style was changed due to style set or change use parent style settings(the font may be changed as well but there will not be any notification about it). No repaint is required
    virtual void NotifyOnParentFontChange() = 0; // Called when parent control/form font was changed due to set font or change font properties. No repaint is required
    virtual void NotifyOnParentResize() = 0; // Called when parent control/form was resized
    virtual void NotifyOnParentTransform() = 0; // Called when parent control/form was tranformed or new transform was assigned
    virtual void NotifyOnParentTransformControls() = 0; // Called when parent control/form child controls transformation was changed or new child controls transformation was assigned

    // Notifications from child controls
    virtual void NotifyOnChildStyleChange(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child size, it is the best place where to handle child control size changes due to style change
    virtual void NotifyOnChildFontChange(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child size, it is the best place where to handle child control size changes due to font change
    virtual void NotifyOnChildTransform(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child position, it is the best place where to handle child control position changes due to transformation change
    virtual void NotifyOnChildResize(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child size, it is the best place where to handle child control size changes due to resize or alignment change
    virtual void NotifyOnChildShow(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child visibility, it is the best place where to handle child control visibility changes due to show
    virtual void NotifyOnChildHide(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child visibility, it is the best place where to handle child control visibility changes due to hide
    virtual void NotifyOnChildAttach(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child visibility, it is the best place where to handle child control visibility changes due to attach. e.getTarget() is attached control
    virtual void NotifyOnChildDetach(IControl *control) = 0; // If size depends on child visibility, it is the best place where to handle child control visibility changes due to detach. e.getTarget() is dettached control
    virtual void NotifyOnChildEnable(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control become enabled
    virtual void NotifyOnChildDisable(IControl *control) = 0; // Called when child control become disabled

    // State change notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnShow() = 0; // Called when control becomes visible due to visibility flag change(a parent controls may still be invisible)
    virtual void NotifyOnHide() = 0; // Called when control becomes invisible due to visibility flag change
    virtual void NotifyOnEnable() = 0; // Called when control becomes enabled due to accessibility flag change
    virtual void NotifyOnDisable() = 0; // Called when control becomes disabled due to accessibility flag change
    virtual void NotifyOnResize() = 0; // Called when control size was changed
    virtual void NotifyOnTransform() = 0; // Called when control transformation was changed due to transformation or set new transformation object
    virtual void NotifyOnTransformControls() = 0; // Called when child controls transformation was changed due to change of child controls transformation or set new one
    virtual void NotifyOnStyleChange() = 0; // Called when style was changed due to set new style or change use parent style setting. If size was changed, apply constraints here. No repaint is required
    virtual void NotifyOnFontChange() = 0; // Called when font was changed due to change properties or set new font. If size was changed, apply constraints here. No repaint is required
    virtual void NotifyOnSetModal() = 0; // Called when control becomes modal
    virtual void NotifyOnKillModal() = 0; // Called when controls lose modal state
    virtual void NotifyOnSetFocus(const MESSAGE_FOCUS &m) = 0; // Called when control becomes focused
    virtual void NotifyOnKillFocus() = 0; // Called when focused control lose focus
    virtual void NotifyOnSetCaptureKeyboard() = 0; // Called when control gets keyboard capture
    virtual void NotifyOnKillCaptureKeyboard() = 0; // Called when control loses keyboard capture
    virtual void NotifyOnSetCaptureMouse() = 0; // Called when control gets mouse capture
    virtual void NotifyOnKillCaptureMouse() = 0; // Called when control loses mouse capture
    virtual void NotifyOnActivate() = 0; // Called when control become active
    virtual void NotifyOnDeactivate() = 0; // Called when control lose active state

    // Paint notifications. If m.last_pass is true only unclipped parts should be rendered. If m.last_pass is false, any parent control may apply clipping, so only part that may be clipped should be rendered. Also if control is capture mouse and should be over other controls independently on z-index, it may draw itself if m.last_pass is true
    virtual void NotifyOnPaint(const MESSAGE_PAINT &m, bool &draw_children) = 0; // Called when control should be drawn. 
    virtual void NotifyOnPaintEnd(const MESSAGE_PAINT &m) = 0; // Called after drawing of control and children

    // Keyboard input notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnKeyDown(const MESSAGE_KEY &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and key is down
    virtual void NotifyOnKeyUp(const MESSAGE_KEY &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and key is up
    virtual void NotifyOnChar(const MESSAGE_CHAR &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and char translated
    virtual void NotifyOnDeadChar(const MESSAGE_CHAR &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is focused or capture keyboard and dead char translated

    // Mouse input notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseHover(const MESSAGE_POSITION &m) = 0; // Called when mouse pointer appears over control. m.Position is in form coordinate space
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseLeave() = 0; // Called when mouse pointer leaves control area
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseMove(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse moves. m.Position is in form coordinate space
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonDown(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button down
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonUp(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button up
    virtual void NotifyOnLeftMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and left mouse button double clicked
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonDown(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse button down
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonUp(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse button up
    virtual void NotifyOnRightMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and right mouse mutton double clicked
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonDown(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button down
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonUp(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button up
    virtual void NotifyOnMiddleMouseButtonDoubleClick(const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and middle mouse button double clicked
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseVerticalWheel(const MESSAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse vertical scroll appear
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseHorizontalWheel(const MESSAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL &m, bool &processed) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and mouse horizontal scroll apper

    // Other input notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnDropFiles(const MESSAGE_DROP_FILES &m, bool &processed, bool &accepted) = 0; // Called when control is under mouse pointer or capture mouse and drop files appear

    // Clipboard notifications(since 9.0.0)
    virtual void NotifyOnPasteString(const MESSAGE_PASTE_STRING &m) = 0; // Called when a string is available after paste request

    // Interceprors. Catch child control events. Return true if handled, otherwise default action will be taken. Only nearest parent will intercept event. Don't use interceptors in hierarchy. Also capture and modal controls does not involved in interceptions. No parent control can intercept event of child control which have capture or modal state
    virtual bool InterceptSetCursor(IControl *control) = 0; // Intercept change cursor
    virtual bool InterceptMouseHover(IControl *control) = 0; // Intercept mouse hovering
    virtual bool InterceptShowHint(IControl *control, String &hint) = 0; // Intercept show hint. To change hint only, change hint argument and return false
    virtual bool InterceptTabOrder() = 0; // Intercept tab order. Return true if no child controls can be focused by Tab or by FocusNextControl/FocusPrevControl
    virtual bool InterceptHotkeys(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_HOTKEY &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptKeyDown(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_KEY &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptKeyUp(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_KEY &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptChar(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_CHAR &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptDeadChar(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_CHAR &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMouseMove(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptLeftMouseButtonDown(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptLeftMouseButtonUp(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptLeftMouseButtonDoubleClick(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMiddleMouseButtonDown(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMiddleMouseButtonUp(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMiddleMouseButtonDoubleClick(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptRightMouseButtonDown(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptRightMouseButtonUp(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptRightMouseButtonDoubleClick(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMouseVerticalWheel(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptMouseHorizontalWheel(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptDropFiles(IControl *control, const MESSAGE_DROP_FILES &m) = 0;
    virtual bool InterceptFocus(IControl *control, const FOCUSED_BY focused_by) = 0; // Works for focus by mouse. To prevent focus by tab use InterceptTabOrder(). If control intercept focus, it will be focused regardless of isAcceptFocus() returns
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IControl.h