
Describes interface of built-in control. Control methods should be accessed only by owner control. They are not designed to be accessed directly.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IBuiltInControl : public virtual IClass
    virtual IControl *getControl() = 0; // Return parent control. Should be implemented by parent. Might be empty. Should be used for accessing only general properties and methods like: get font/style/renderer/caret/interpolation/..., create/delete timer, add/remove hotkeys

    virtual IBuiltInControlListener *getListener() = 0; // Return associated listener
    virtual bool isEnabled() = 0; // Whether control is enabled
    virtual bool isHovered() = 0; // Whether control is hovered
    virtual bool isFocused() = 0; // Whether control is focused
    virtual bool isInside(const PointF &position) = 0; // Return whether specified point(in this control coordinates) is over control area or not
    virtual PointF getSize() = 0; // Return size
    virtual float getWidth() = 0; // Return width
    virtual float getHeight() = 0; // Return height
    virtual RectF getRect() = 0; // Return rectangle
    virtual PointF getPosition() = 0; // Return position
    virtual float getLeft() = 0; // Return X coordinate
    virtual float getTop() = 0; // Return Y coordinate
    virtual RectF getClientRect() = 0; // Return client rectangle
    virtual RectF getRenderRect() = 0; // Return render rectangle
    virtual CURSOR_TYPE getCursor(const PointF &position, const CURSOR_TYPE def) = 0; // Return cursor depending on position
    // Since 4.0.0
    virtual Point getDPI() = 0; // Return DPI for which the control is adjusted
    // Since 5.0.0
    virtual bool isDown() = 0; // Return whether the control acquired a mouse button state

    virtual void setListener(IBuiltInControlListener *value) = 0; // Set listener
    virtual bool setEnabled(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control is enabled
    virtual bool setFocused(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether control is focused
    virtual bool setSize(const PointF &value) = 0; // Set size
    virtual bool setPosition(const PointF &value) = 0; // Set position
    // Since 4.0.0
    virtual bool setDPI(const Point &value) = 0; // Adjust parameters to specified DPI. Default DPI is { 96, 96 }

    virtual void UpdateFromStyle(IStyle *style, const String &class_name) = 0; // Update properties from specified style using specified class name
    virtual void Render(const bool last_pass, const Matrix &matrix, const BLOCK *block) = 0; // Draw
    virtual void Update() = 0; // Force to update all
    virtual void Release() = 0; // Destroy
    virtual void FreeResources() = 0; // Free resources
    // Since 8.0.0
    virtual void Refresh() = 0; // Clear internal canvas(drawing buffer) if used

    // State change notifications
    virtual void NotifyOnAttach() = 0; // Parent control is attached to form or another control
    virtual void NotifyOnDeactivate() = 0; // Parent control become not active

    // Mouse input notifications. Specified position is in this control coordinates
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseHover(const PointF &position) = 0; // Notify about hovering by mouse pointer
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseLeave() = 0; // Notify when mouse pointer leaves the control
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseMove(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about mouse movement
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseLeftDown(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about left mouse button down
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseLeftUp(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about left mouse button release
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseLeftDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about left mouse button double click
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleDown(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about middle mouse button down
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleUp(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about middle mouse button release
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseMiddleDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about middle mouse button double click
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseRightDown(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about right mouse button down
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseRightUp(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about right mouse button release
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseRightDoubleClick(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift) = 0; // Notify about right mouse button double click
    virtual void NotifyOnMouseDownCancel() = 0; // Cancel any work done on mouse down
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseVerticalWheel(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const int delta) = 0; // Notify about mouse vertical wheel scrolling
    virtual bool NotifyOnMouseHorizontalWheel(const PointF &position, const bool left, const bool middle, const bool right, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const int delta) = 0; // Notify about mouse horizontal wheel scrolling

    // Keyboard input notifications
    virtual bool NotifyOnKeyDown(const KEY key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) = 0; // Notify about keyboard key down
    virtual bool NotifyOnKeyUp(const KEY key, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) = 0; // Notify about keyboard key release
    virtual bool NotifyOnChar(const wchar_t chr, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) = 0; // Notify about receiving character via keyboard input
    virtual bool NotifyOnDeadChar(const wchar_t chr, const bool ctrl, const bool alt, const bool shift, const bool numlock) = 0; // Notify about receiving combined character via keyboard input(like umlaut-O)

    // Other input notifications
    virtual bool NotifyOnDropFiles(const Point &position, const std::vector<String> &filenames) = 0; // Notify about dropping files on the control

    // Clipboard notifications(since 9.0.0)
    virtual bool NotifyOnPasteString(const String &text) = 0; // Notify about pasting a string
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IBuiltInControl.h