
Round floating point value to integer.

constexpr int Round(const float value);
constexpr long long Round(const double value);
constexpr Point Round(const PointF &a); // Convert to integer point rounding elements
constexpr PointL Round(const PointD &a); // Convert to integer point rounding elements
constexpr Rect Round(const RectF &a); // Convert to integer rectangle rounding elements
constexpr RectL Round(const RectD &a); // Convert to integer rectangle rounding elements
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Core/Math/Utils.h (For float and double arguments)
Nitisa/Core/Math/PointFUtils.h (For PointF arguments)
Nitisa/Core/Math/PointDUtils.h (For PointD arguments)
Nitisa/Core/Math/RectFUtils.h (For RectF arguments)
Nitisa/Core/Math/RectDUtils.h (For RectD arguments)