
Provides minimum required functionality description for the built-in dropdown.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class IBuiltInDropDown :public virtual IBuiltInControl
    using FCompare = bool(*)(IListItem *a, IListItem *b); // Item comparison function prototype 
    using FGetItemText = String(*)(IListItem *item); // Prototype of function which returns name or caption of specified item 
    using FSearch = int(*)(IBuiltInDropDown *dropdown, const String &search); // Search function prototype. Should return item index started/having "search" in name/caption 
    virtual int getItemCount() = 0; // Return item count 
    virtual IListItem *getItem(const int index) = 0; // Return item by index 
    virtual int getItemIndex(IListItem *item) = 0; // Return item index or -1 
    virtual bool isEditable() = 0; // Whether dropdown has input area or not 
    virtual bool isOpened() = 0; // Whether dropdown is opened(item list is shown) 
    virtual bool isSortable() = 0; // Whether dropdown items should be ordered 
    virtual String getText() = 0; // Return currently displayed text 
    virtual int getActiveIndex() = 0; // Return index of active item or -1 
    virtual FCompare getCompareFunc() = 0; // Return items compare function 
    virtual FGetItemText getItemTextFunc() = 0; // Return receiving item caption function 
    virtual FSearch getSearchFunc() = 0; // Return search function 
    virtual PointF getMousePosition() = 0; // Return mouse pointer coordinates in dropdown coordinate system 
    virtual IBuiltInTextInput *getTextInput() = 0; // Return associated text input 
    virtual bool isLoopActiveItemOnDoubleClick() = 0; // Return whether active item will be changed to the next one on double click in non-editable mode 

    virtual bool setTextInput(IBuiltInTextInput *value) = 0; // Set another text input 
    virtual bool setScroll(IBuiltInScroll *value) = 0; // Set another scroll 
    virtual bool setEditable(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether dropdown has text input or not 
    virtual bool setSortable(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether items should be ordered 
    virtual bool setText(const String &value) = 0; // Set currently displayed text 
    virtual bool setActiveIndex(const int value) = 0; // Set active item by index 
    virtual bool setCompareFunc(FCompare value) = 0; // Set item comparison function 
    virtual bool setGetItemTextFunc(FGetItemText value) = 0; // Set receiving item caption function 
    virtual bool setSearchFunc(FSearch value) = 0; // Set search function 
    virtual bool setLoopActiveItemOnDoubleClick(const bool value) = 0; // Set whether active item will be changed to the next one on double click in non-editable mode 

    virtual bool AddItem(IListItem *item) = 0; // Add item 
    virtual bool InsertItem(IListItem *item, const int before) = 0; // Insert item before specified one 
    virtual bool DeleteItem(const int index) = 0; // Delete item by index 
    virtual bool DeleteItem(IListItem *item) = 0; // Delete specified item 
    virtual bool DeleteItems() = 0; // Delete all items 
    // Since 6.2.1 
    virtual bool MoveItem(IListItem *item, const int before) = 0; // Move(if possible) specified item in position before specified one 

    virtual bool Open() = 0; // Open dropdown(show item list) 
    virtual bool Close() = 0; // Close dropdown(hide item list) 
    virtual IListItemOwner *QueryListItemOwner() = 0; // Return list item owner 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/BuiltInControls/IBuiltInDropDown.h