
All platform-dependent classes have been moved to Platform Package in release 10.0.0.

This class is available on Windows platform only

Corresponding class for Linux platform is here.

Corresponding class for Android platform is here.

Implementation of the IFileSystem interface for Windows platform.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base interface.

class CFileSystem :public virtual IFileSystem
        bool SearchFiles(const String &filter, SearchFilesResult &result) override;
        bool FileExists(const String &filename) override;
        bool DirectoryExists(const String &path) override;
        SearchDrivesResult SearchDrives() override;
        // Since 5.0.0 
        IFile *FileOpen(const String &filename, const OPEN_MODE open_mode, const bool read, const bool write, const bool share_delete = false, const bool share_read = false,
            const bool share_write = false, const bool archieved = false, const bool encrypted = false, const bool hidden = false, const bool offline = false, const bool readonly = false,
            const bool system = false, const bool temporary = false, const bool delete_on_close = false, const bool no_buffering = false, const bool random_access = false) override;
        bool FileCopy(const String &filename, const String &new_filename, const bool overwrite_existing) override;
        bool FileMove(const String &filename, const String &new_filename, const bool overwrite_existing) override;
        bool FileDelete(const String &filename) override;
        bool DirectoryCreate(const String &path) override;
        bool DirectoryMove(const String &path, const String &new_path, const bool overwrite_existing) override;
        bool DirectoryDelete(const String &path) override;
Namespace: nitisa::standard::windows
Include: Standard/Platform/Windows/FileSystem.h