
Implements Pyramid control.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base classes and interfaces.

class CPyramid :public virtual IPyramid, public C3DControl
    void FreeResources(standard::windows::opengl::IOpenGL *graphics) override;
    void Render(standard::windows::opengl::IOpenGL *graphics, IRenderer *renderer, ICamera *camera) override;
    // IPyramid getters 
    float getPyramidWidth() override;
    float getPyramidDepth() override;
    float getPyramidHeight() override;
    int getHeightSegments() override;

    // IPyramid setters 
    bool setPyramidWidth(const float value) override;
    bool setPyramidDepth(const float value) override;
    bool setPyramidHeight(const float value) override;
    bool setPyramidSize(const float width, const float depth, const float height) override;
    bool setHeightSegments(const int value) override;

    CPyramid(IControl *parent);
Namespace: nitisa::opengl
Include: OpengL/Controls/Pyramid/Pyramid.h