


Class implements entity used for XML decoding and encoding.

You can find more information in comments below.

cclass Entity
    using Attributes = std::map<String, String>;
    using Entities = std::vector<Entity>;
    // Constructors 
    Entity(const String &name);
    Entity(const wchar_t *name);
    Entity(const String &name, const String &value);
    Entity(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *value);
    Entity(const Entity &other);
    Entity(Entity &&other);

    // Assignment operators 
    Entity &operator=(const String &value); // Set type to value and assign value, clear entities 
    Entity &operator=(const Entity &other);
    Entity &operator=(Entity &&other);

    explicit operator String() const; // Convert to compact string 

    String &operator[](const String &key); // Return attribute by name 
    String &operator[](const wchar_t *key); // Return attribute by name 
    Entity &operator[](const size_t index); // Return child entity by index 
    const Entity &operator[](const size_t index) const; // Return child entity by index 

    EntityType type() const; // Return type 
    void type(const EntityType &value); // Set type 
    const String &name() const; // Return name 
    void name(const String &value); // Set name 
    const String &value() const; // Return value 
    void value(const String &data); // Set value 
    size_t attribute_count() const; // Return attribute count 
    bool has(const String &name) const; // Check whether attribute with specified name exists 
    Attributes::const_iterator begin() const; // Return constant begin attributes iterator 
    Attributes::const_iterator end() const; // Return constant end attributes iterator 
    Attributes::iterator begin(); // Return begin attributes iterator 
    Attributes::iterator end(); // Return end attributes iterator 
    Attributes::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; // Return constant reverse begin attributes iterator 
    Attributes::const_reverse_iterator rend() const; // Return constant reverse end attributes iterator 
    Attributes::reverse_iterator rbegin(); // Return reverse begin attributes iterator 
    Attributes::reverse_iterator rend(); // Return reverse end attributes iterator 
    Attributes::iterator find(const String &name); // Find attribute by name 
    Attributes::iterator erase(Attributes::iterator where); // Erase attribute 
    Attributes::iterator erase(Attributes::iterator first, Attributes::iterator last); // Erase attributes 
    size_t size(const bool entities = true) const; // Return count of entities (if entities = true) or count of attributes (if entities = false) 
    bool empty(const bool entities = true) const; // Return true if there are no entities (if entities = true) or there no attributes (if entities = false) 
    size_t count() const; // Return total count of entities where array count() equals to sum of count() of each element + 1 for array itself and count() of other types is one 
    void push_back(const Entity &obj); // Add object to list 
    void clear(const bool entities = true, const bool attributes = true); // Clear 
    void erase(const size_t index); // Erase entity 
    void erase(const size_t index, const size_t count); // Erase entities 
Namespace: nitisa::script::xml
Include: Nitisa/Modules/Script/Xml/Entity.h