
Class serves as different data type container for expression calculation purposes. Can store simple literals, arrays and objects.

You can find more information in comments below.

class Variable
    using Array = std::vector<Variable>;
    using Object = std::map<String, Variable>;
    // Constructors 
    Variable(const VariableType type);
    Variable(const bool value);
    Variable(const int64 value);
    Variable(const double value);
    Variable(const String &value);
    Variable(const wchar_t *value);
    Variable(const Array &value);
    Variable(const Object &value);
    Variable(const Variable &other);
    Variable(Variable &&other);

    // Assignment operators 
    Variable &operator=(const Pointer value);
    Variable &operator=(const bool value);
    Variable &operator=(const int64 value);
    Variable &operator=(const double value);
    Variable &operator=(const String &value);
    Variable &operator=(const wchar_t *value);
    Variable &operator=(const Variable &other);
    Variable &operator=(Variable &&other);

    // Conversion operators 
    explicit operator Pointer() const;
    explicit operator bool() const;
    explicit operator int64() const;
    explicit operator double() const;
    explicit operator String() const; // Convert to string representation. Array and object do not have string representation in this operator 

    // Array and object members access operators 
    Variable &operator[](const String &key); // Return object member by name. Convert variable to object if it's not 
    Variable &operator[](const wchar_t *key); // Return object member by name. Convert variable to object if it's not 
    Variable &operator[](const size_t index); // Return array member by index. Don't check whether index is out of bounds. Convert variable to array if it's not 
    const Variable &operator[](const size_t index) const; // Return array member by index. Don't check whether index is out of bounds or variable is an array 

    // Comparison operators 
    bool operator==(const Variable &other) const;
    bool operator!=(const Variable &other) const;
    bool operator>(const Variable &other) const;
    bool operator<(const Variable &other) const;
    bool operator>=(const Variable &other) const;
    bool operator<=(const Variable &other) const;

    VariableType type() const; // Return variable type 
    bool type(const VariableType value); // Set variable type 
    bool has(const String &key) const; // Check whether there is a member of object with specified name 
    size_t size() const; // Return size 
    size_t count() const; // Return element count 
    bool empty() const; // Check whether variable is empty 
    void push_back(const Variable &value); // Convert variable to array and add element to it 
    void clear(); // Clear variable and sets type to Null 
    void erase(const size_t index); // Erase element of array at specified index. Convert to array if necessary 
    void erase(const size_t index, const size_t count); // Erase multiple elements of array. Convert to array if necessary 
    Object::iterator erase(Object::iterator where); // Erase element of object. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::iterator erase(Object::iterator first, Object::iterator last); // Erase multiple elements of object. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::iterator find(const String &key); // Find element of object by specified name. Convert to object if necessary 

    Object::iterator begin(); // Return object begin iterator. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::iterator end(); // Return object end iterator. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::reverse_iterator rbegin(); // Return object reverse begin iterator. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::reverse_iterator rend(); // Return object reverse end iterator. Convert to object if necessary 
    Object::const_iterator begin() const; // Return constant object begin iterator. Do not convert to object 
    Object::const_iterator end() const; // Return constant object end iterator. Do not convert to object 
    Object::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; // Return constant object reverse begin iterator. Do not convert to object 
    Object::const_reverse_iterator rend() const; // Return constant object reverse end iterator. Do not convert to object 

    String toString() const; // Convert to string representation. Array and object also have string representation in this method 
Namespace: nitisa::script
Include: Nitisa/Modules/Script/Core/Variable.h