Implements multidimentional array object and provide some common for vectors and matrices functionality.
You can find more information in comments below.
// Partial specialization for 1D tensor template<class TYPE, size_t SIZE>
class TTensor<TYPE, SIZE>
const static size_t size;
const static size_t total_element_count;
TTensor() = default;
TTensor(const std::initializer_list<TYPE> &values); // Create and fill with specified values
const TYPE &operator[](const size_t index) const; // Get element
TYPE &operator[](const size_t index); // Get/set element
bool operator==(const TTensor &other) const; // Compare for equality
bool operator!=(const TTensor &other) const; // Compare for unequality
TTensor operator+(const TYPE value) const; // Add scalar value to each element
TTensor operator-(const TYPE value) const; // Subtract scalar value from each element
TTensor operator*(const TYPE value) const; // Multiply each element on scalar value
TTensor operator/(const TYPE value) const; // Divide each element on scalar value
TTensor &operator+=(const TYPE value); // Add scalar value to each element of this tensor
TTensor &operator-=(const TYPE value); // Subtract scalar value from each element of this tensor
TTensor &operator*=(const TYPE value); // Multiply each element of this tensor on scalar value
TTensor &operator/=(const TYPE value); // Divide each element of this tensor on scalar value
TTensor operator+(const TTensor &other) const; // Add elements of other tensor
TTensor operator-(const TTensor &other) const; // Subtract elements of other tensor
TTensor operator*(const TTensor &other) const; // Multiply on elements of other tensor
TTensor operator/(const TTensor &other) const; // Divide on element of other tensor
TTensor &operator+=(const TTensor &other); // Add elements of other tensor to this one
TTensor &operator-=(const TTensor &other); // Subtract elements of other tensor from this one
TTensor &operator*=(const TTensor &other); // Multiply elements of this tensor on elements of other one
TTensor &operator/=(const TTensor &other); // Divide elements of this tensor on elements of other one
bool is_equal(const TTensor &other, const TYPE tolerance) const; // Check if tensors are equal with specified tolerance
bool is_not_equal(const TTensor &other, const TYPE tolerance) const; // Check if tensors are not equal with specified tolerance
void fill(const TYPE value); // Populate all elements with specified value
template<class FILLER> void fill(FILLER filler); // Populate all elements with values returned by filler function
TYPE norm_lmax() const; // Return LMax norm
TYPE norm_l1() const; // Return L1 norm
TYPE norm_l2() const; // Return L2 norm
TYPE norm_l2_2() const; // Return squared L2 norm
TYPE distance(const TTensor &other) const; // Return distance from other tensor
TYPE distance_2(const TTensor &other) const; // Return squared distance from other tensor
void normalize(); // Normalize
TTensor normalized() const; // Return normalized tensor
template<class DEST_TYPE> TTensor<DEST_TYPE, SIZE> convert() const; // Return tensor with the same elements but different data type
template<class DEST_TYPE> void convert(TTensor<DEST_TYPE, SIZE> &dest) const; // Copy elements into the destination tensor converting them to new data type
// Tensor template
template<class TYPE, size_t SIZE, size_t ...Dimentions>
class TTensor<TYPE, SIZE, Dimentions...>
const static size_t size; // Element count
const static size_t total_element_count; // Total element count
TTensor() = default;
TTensor(const std::initializer_list<TTensor<TYPE, Dimentions...>> &values); // Create and populate with specified values
const TTensor<TYPE, Dimentions...> &operator[](const size_t index) const; // Get element value
TTensor<TYPE, Dimentions...> &operator[](const size_t index); // Get/set element value
bool operator==(const TTensor &other) const; // Check if tensors are equal
bool operator!=(const TTensor &other) const; // Check if tensors are not equal
TTensor operator+(const TYPE value) const; // Add scalar value to all elements
TTensor operator-(const TYPE value) const; // Subtract scalar value from all elements
TTensor operator*(const TYPE value) const; // Multiply all elements on scalar value
TTensor operator/(const TYPE value) const; // Divide all elements on scalar value
TTensor &operator+=(const TYPE value); // Add scalar value to all elements of this tensor
TTensor &operator-=(const TYPE value); // Subtract scalar value from all elements of this tensor
TTensor &operator*=(const TYPE value); // Multiply all elements of this tensor on scalar value
TTensor &operator/=(const TYPE value); // Divide all elements of this tensor on scalar value
TTensor operator+(const TTensor &other) const; // Add elements from other tensor
TTensor operator-(const TTensor &other) const; // Subtract elements of other tensor
TTensor operator*(const TTensor &other) const; // Multiply all elements on elements from other tensor
TTensor operator/(const TTensor &other) const; // Divide all elements on elements of other tensor
TTensor &operator+=(const TTensor &other); // Add all elements of other tensor to this one
TTensor &operator-=(const TTensor &other); // Subtract all elements of other tensor from this one
TTensor &operator*=(const TTensor &other); // Multiply elements of this tensor on elements of other one
TTensor &operator/=(const TTensor &other); // Divide all elements of this tensor on elements of other one
bool is_equal(const TTensor &other, const TYPE tolerance) const; // Check if tensors are equal with specified tolerance
bool is_not_equal(const TTensor &other, const TYPE tolerance) const; // Check if tensors are not equal with specified tolerance
void fill(const TYPE value); // Populate all elements with specified value
template<class FILLER> void fill(FILLER filler); // Populate all elements with values returned by specified filler function
TYPE norm_lmax() const; // Return LMax norm
TYPE norm_l1() const; // Return L1 norm
TYPE norm_l2() const; // Return L2 norm
TYPE norm_l2_2() const; // Return squared L2 norm
TYPE distance(const TTensor &other) const; // Return distance from other tensor
TYPE distance_2(const TTensor &other) const; // Return squared distance from other tensor
void normalize(); // Normalize
TTensor normalized() const; // Return normalized tensor
template<class DEST_TYPE> TTensor<DEST_TYPE, SIZE> convert() const; // Return tensor with the same elements but different data type
template<class DEST_TYPE> void convert(TTensor<DEST_TYPE, SIZE> &dest) const; // Copy elements into the destination tensor converting them to new data type
// Operators
template<class TYPE>
TTensor<TYPE, 3u> operator^(const TTensor<TYPE, 3u> &a, const TTensor<TYPE, 3u> &b); // Multiply 1D tensors(vectors)
template<class TYPE>
TTensor<TYPE, 3u> &operator^=(TTensor<TYPE, 3u> &a, const TTensor<TYPE, 3u> &b); // Multiply 1D tensors(vectors) and store result in first one
template<class TYPE, size_t ROWS, size_t COLUMNS>
TTensor<TYPE, ROWS> operator^(const TTensor<TYPE, ROWS, COLUMNS> &m, const TTensor<TYPE, COLUMNS> &v); // Multiply 2D tensor(matrix) by 1D tensor(vector)
template<class TYPE, size_t ROWS, size_t COLUMNS>
TTensor<TYPE, COLUMNS> operator^(const TTensor<TYPE, ROWS> &v, const TTensor<TYPE, ROWS, COLUMNS> &m); // Multiply 1D tensor(vector) by 2D tensor(matrix)
template<class TYPE, size_t ROWS, size_t COLUMNS, size_t COLUMNS_OTHER>
TTensor<TYPE, ROWS, COLUMNS_OTHER> operator^(const TTensor<TYPE, ROWS, COLUMNS> &a, const TTensor<TYPE, COLUMNS, COLUMNS_OTHER> &b); // Multiply 2D tensors(matrices)
template<class TYPE, size_t SIZE>
TTensor<TYPE, SIZE, SIZE> &operator^=(TTensor<TYPE, SIZE, SIZE> &a, const TTensor<TYPE, SIZE, SIZE> &b); // Multiply 2D tensors(matrices) and store result in first one
Namespace: | nitisa::math |
Include: | Nitisa/Modules/Math/Tensor.h |