
This object has been removed in release 10.0.0.

This template class represents generic 3D object. All polygons in this object are independent, they do not share vertices as well as vertices are independent themselves. Even if object has two absolutely the same vertices they are represented as 2 different vertices in this kind of 3D object. If you need position, normal, texture coordinate sharing feature, you may use T3DObject instead.

You can find more information in comments below.

template<class TYPE>
    class TMesh
        using Vertex = TVertex<TYPE>; // Vertex type 
        using Polygon = TPolygon<TYPE>; // Polygon type 
        using Polygons = std::vector<Polygon>; // Polygon list type 
        using reference = typename Polygons::reference;
        using const_reference = typename Polygons::const_reference;
        using iterator = typename Polygons::iterator;
        using const_iterator = typename Polygons::const_iterator;
        using reverse_iterator = typename Polygons::reverse_iterator;
        using const_reverse_iterator = typename Polygons::const_reverse_iterator;
        using pointer = typename Polygons::pointer;
        using const_pointer = typename Polygons::const_pointer;
        TMesh() = default;
        TMesh(const TMesh &other) = default;
        TMesh(TMesh &&other) = default;
        TMesh(const Polygons &polygons);
        TMesh(const std::initializer_list<Polygon> &polygons); // Create with specified polygons 
        // Polygon iterators 
        reference front();
        const_reference front() const;
        iterator begin();
        const_iterator begin() const;
        const_iterator cbegin() const;
        iterator end();
        const_iterator end() const;
        const_iterator cend() const;
        reverse_iterator rbegin();
        const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
        const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const;
        reverse_iterator rend();
        const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
        const_reverse_iterator crend() const;
        reference back();
        const_reference back() const;
        // Polygon data 
        reference at(const size_t index);
        const_reference at(const size_t index) const;
        pointer data();
        const_pointer data() const;
        void push_back(const TPolygon<TYPE> &polygon);
        void push_back(TPolygon<TYPE> &&polygon);
        void pop_back();
        iterator insert(const_iterator where, const TPolygon<TYPE> &polygon);
        iterator insert(const_iterator where, TPolygon<TYPE> &&polygon);
        iterator erase(const_iterator where);
        iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
        // Polygon info & utils 
        size_t size() const;
        size_t max_size() const;
        size_t capacity() const;
        void resize(const size_t size);
        void resize(const size_t size, const TPolygon<TYPE> &polygon);
        void shrink_to_fit();
        void reserve(const size_t count);
        bool empty() const;
        void clear();
        // Operators 
        TMesh &operator=(const TMesh &other) = default;
        TMesh &operator=(TMesh &&other) = default;
        reference operator[](const size_t index);
        const_reference operator[](const size_t index) const;
        // Helpers 
        void flip(); // Flip all polygons 
        size_t triangle_count() const; // Calculate triangle count in mesh 
        void update_planes(); // Update polygon planes 
        void update_normals(); // Set vertex normals equal to polygon normals 
        void relax_normals(const TYPE tolerance); // Set vertex normals to average value of the all nearest vertices(withing radius equal to the specified tolerance). Althor this method uses OctTree optimization it still could be slow with big meshes 
Namespace: nitisa::graphics3d
Include: Nitisa/Modules/Graphics3D/Core/Mesh.h