
Describes platform dependent font. Used in renderers.

You can find more information in comments below.

class IPlatformFont
    virtual bool isItalic() = 0; // Whether font is italic or not
    virtual bool isUnderline() = 0; // Whether font is underlined or not
    virtual bool isStrikeOut() = 0; // Whether font is striked out or not
    virtual String getFontName() = 0; // Return font family name
    virtual int getHeight() = 0; // Return height
    virtual FONT_WEIGHT getWeight() = 0; // Return weight
    virtual IRenderer *getRenderer() = 0; // Return renderer
    virtual PointF getStringSize(const String &str, const float distance) = 0; // Return string size, with specified distance between characters added
    // Since 3.0.0
    virtual PointF getCharacterSize() = 0; // Return character size. If font isn't monospaced the result is {0, 0}
    virtual bool isMonospace() = 0; // Return whether font was created in monospace mode

    virtual void Release() = 0; // Destroy instance

    virtual IPlatformFontService *QueryService() = 0; // Return service
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/IPlatformFont.h