
Describes client socket connection.

You can find more information in comments below.

class IClientSocket :public virtual ISocket
    virtual float getTimeout() = 0; // Return IO operations timeout

    virtual bool setTimeout(const float value) = 0; // Set IO operations timeout

    virtual bool OpenWriteBuffer() = 0; // Start performing all write/send operations on buffer instead on network
    virtual bool CloseWriteBuffer() = 0; // Finish performing all write/send operation on buffer and send all data from buffer to network

    virtual bool Send(const char *data, const int size, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Send data
    virtual bool Receive(char *buffer, const int size, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Receive data

    virtual bool Write(const bool data) = 0; // Send boolean value
    virtual bool Write(const int data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Send integer value
    virtual bool Write(const float data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Send float value
    virtual bool Write(const String &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Send string
    virtual bool Write(const AnsiString &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Send ansi string

    virtual bool Read(bool &data) = 0; // Receive boolean value
    virtual bool Read(int &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Receive integer value
    virtual bool Read(float &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Receive float value
    virtual bool Read(String &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Receive string
    virtual bool Read(AnsiString &data, const bool inverse = false) = 0; // Receive ansi string

    virtual ISocket::DATA_EXIST isDataExist(ISocket::ERROR_TYPE &error) = 0; // Check whether there is incoming data
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Interfaces/INetwork.h