
This union has been removed in release 10.0.0. Use Vec4f type, which is alias to ntl::TVec4, instead.

This union represents 4-component floating point vector also known as quaternion. It is widely used in transformation calculations.

You can find more information in comments below.

// 4th component is not used and either unchanged or is set to 1
    union Vector
            float X;
            float Y;
            float Z;
            float W;
            PointF XY;
            PointF ZW;
        float Data[4];

        Vector() = default;
        Vector(const Vector &other) = default;
        Vector(Vector &&other) = default;
        Vector(const float x, const float y, const float z, const float w = 1); // Construct with specified values

        Vector &operator=(const Vector &other) = default;
        Vector &operator=(Vector &&other) = default;
        float operator[](const size_t index) const; // Return component value by index
        float &operator[](const size_t index); // Return component value reference by index

        float norm() const; // Return norm/length
        float norm2() const; // Return squared norm/length
        float distance(const Vector &other) const; // Return distance to point
        float distance2(const Vector &other) const; // Return squared distance to point
        void normalize(); // Normalize(make norm/length equal to 1) this vector
        Vector normalized() const; // Return normalized equivalent of this vector
        void reflect(const Vector &normal); // Reflect this vector around specified normal
        Vector reflected(const Vector &normal) const; // Return vector equal to the reflection of this one around specified normal
        void refract(const Vector &normal, const float eta); // Refract this vector around specified normal
        Vector refracted(const Vector &normal, const float eta) const; // Return vector equal to the refraction of this one around specified normal

    #ifdef _DEBUG
        void print() const;

Following operators are also available.

Vector operator+(const Vector &a, const float value); // Add scalar value to each component and return new vector
    Vector operator-(const Vector &a, const float value); // Subtract scalar value from each component and return new vector
    Vector operator*(const Vector &a, const float value); // Multiply each component by scalar value and return new vector
    Vector operator/(const Vector &a, const float value); // Divide each component by scalar value and return new vector
    Vector operator+(const float value, const Vector &a); // Add value to each component and return new vector
    Vector operator-(const float value, const Vector &a); // Subtract from value each component and return new vector
    Vector operator*(const float value, const Vector &a); // Multiply value by each component and return new vector
    Vector operator/(const float value, const Vector &a); // Divide value by each component and return new vector
    Vector &operator+=(Vector &a, const float value); // Add scalar value to each component of this vector
    Vector &operator-=(Vector &a, const float value); // Subtract scalar value from each component of this vector
    Vector &operator*=(Vector &a, const float value); // Multiply each component of this vector by scalar value
    Vector &operator/=(Vector &a, const float value); // Divide each component of this vector by scalar value
    Vector operator+(const Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Add each components of this and another vectors and return new vector
    Vector operator-(const Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Subtract each components of this and another vectors and return new vector
    Vector operator/(const Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Divide vectors elements and return new vector
    float operator*(const Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Return dot product
    Vector operator^(const Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Calculate cross product and return result
    Vector &operator+=(Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Add each components of another vector to corresponding component of this one
    Vector &operator-=(Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Subtract each components of another vector from corresponding component of this one
    Vector &operator/=(Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Divide this vector elements on corresponding elements of other vector
    Vector &operator^=(Vector &a, const Vector &b); // Calculate cross product and store in this vector
    std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Vector &a); // Output as source code

There are also several additional operators related to interaction with matrices. You can find them at Matrix documentation page.

Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Core/Math/Vector.h (For union declaration)
Nitisa/Core/Math/VectorUtils.h (For standalone operators)