
This union represents pair of double precision floating point values.

You can find more information in comments below.

union PointD
        double X;
        double Y;
    double Data[2];

    double operator[](const int index) const; // Get element
    double &operator[](const int index); // Get element

Following operators are also available.

PointD operator+(const PointD &a, const double value); // Add point and value
PointD operator-(const PointD &a, const double value); // Subtract point and value
PointD operator/(const PointD &a, const double value); // Divide point and value
PointD operator*(const PointD &a, const double value); // Multiply point and value
PointD operator+(const double value, const PointD &a); // Add value and point
PointD operator-(const double value, const PointD &a); // Subtract value and point
PointD operator/(const double value, const PointD &a); // Divide value and point
PointD operator*(const double value, const PointD &a); // Multiply value and point
PointD &operator+=(PointD &a, const double value); // Add value to point
PointD &operator-=(PointD &a, const double value); // Subtract value from point
PointD &operator/=(PointD &a, const double value); // Divide point on value
PointD &operator*=(PointD &a, const double value); // Multiply point on value
PointD operator+(const PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Add points elements
PointD operator-(const PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Subtract points elements
PointD operator*(const PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Multiply point elements
PointD operator/(const PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Divide point elements
PointD &operator+=(PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Add elements of another point to first one
PointD &operator-=(PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Subtract elements of another point from first one
PointD &operator*=(PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Multiply point element to elements of another point
PointD &operator/=(PointD &a, const PointD &b); // Divide point element on elements of another point
std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const PointD &a); // Output as source code
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Math/PointD.h